为分析亚麻酸对烟草生长和烟叶常规化学成分的影响,采用叶面喷施亚麻酸对烟草‘K326’叶片中POD、SOD酶活性的影响进行研究,并对许昌和遵义烟草打顶后的农艺性状和烟叶常规化学成分进行分析。结果显示,10 mmol/L 亚麻酸处理提高了‘K326’叶中的SOD酶活性和脯氨酸含量;增加了烟株的株高和有效叶片数,许昌增加了1.91 片,遵义增加了2.85 片;并使烟叶中的糖碱比更趋于10,内在成分更为协调。
To determine the effects of linolenic acid (LA) on growth and general chemical components of tobacco‘K326’, the activities of POD and SOD in leaves, agronomic traits and general chemical components of tobacco treated with LA in Xuchang and Zunyi were analyzed. Results showed that, SOD activities and proline contents were raised in tobacco leaves after 10 mmol/L LA treatment. Plant height and leaf number were also increased. Leaf number was increased by 1.91 in Xuchang and by 2.85 in Zunyi, respectively. The sugar alkali ratio tended to be 10, thus to harmonize the inner chemical components
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Key words
Linolenic Acid; Tobacco; SOD; Proline; Agronomic Traits; Sugar Alkali Ratio
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