

农学学报. 2016, 6(9): 8-14

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农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (9) : 8-14. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16040008
农艺科学 生理生化


  • 靳晓春,王俊强,蒋佰福,牛忠林,邱磊,吴丽丽,夏永伟
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Germplasm Resources and Heterosis Utilization of Maize in Heilongjiang Province from 1980 to 2012

  • 靳晓春,王俊强,蒋佰福,牛忠林,邱磊,吴丽丽 and 夏永伟
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利用黑龙江省1980-2012年生产上年推广面积1.3万公顷以上品种分析了杂交种应用、种质材料变化、种优势模式发展历程。结果表明:推广品种有21个种植面积超过10万公顷/年,但是上述品种中只有德美亚1、德美亚2具有较强的耐密性和适合机械直收籽粒,应加快耐密性强、适合机械化品种的选育;种质材料方面地方种质(1980S占比50%,1990S占比26%,之后快速降低)和兰卡斯特种质(1980S占比21%、1990S占比42%、2000S占比45%、2010S占比35%)在黑龙江省玉米育种占据着重要作用,瑞德种质(1980S占比4%、1990S占比4%、2000S占比17%、2010S占比23%)起到越来越重要的作用,2000S开始黑龙江省种质资源快速向4大种质集中(但是旅大红骨种质应用较少);杂种优势模式1980S 四个主要模式占比87.2%、1990S 四个主要模式占比69.2%、2000S四个主要模式占比71.4%、2010S四个主要模式占比56.8%,杂优模式类型逐渐增多,主要杂优模式比重在不断下降。


The application of coeno-species, germplasm resource change and development history of heterosis pattern were analyzed with varieties whose promotion area was more than 13000 hectares in Heilongjiang Province from 1980 to 2012. The results showed that there were 21 varieties whose planting area was more than 100000 hectares every year, but only‘Demeiya1’and‘Demeiya2’had high density tolerance and were suitable for machine harvest, so the breeding of varieties with high density tolerance and machine harvest suitability should be enhanced. The local germplasm (50% in 1980s, 26% in 1990s, and then decreased quickly) and Lancaster germplasm (21% in 1980s, 42% in 1990s, 45% in 2000s, 35%in 2010s) played key roles in maize breeding in Heilongjiang Province, Reid germlasm (4% in 1980s, 4% in 1990s, 17% in 2000s, 23% in 2010s) was more and more important. After 2000, the germplasm resource was concentrated to the four main germplasms, but the application of LRC germplasm was less; the four main germplasms ration in heterosis pattern was 87.2% in 1980s, 69.2% in 1990s, 71.4% in 2000s and 56.8% in 2010s, which indicated that heterosis pattern increased gradually and the proportion of main heterosis pattern decreased.



Key words



靳晓春,王俊强,蒋佰福,牛忠林,邱磊,吴丽丽,夏永伟. 1980-2012年黑龙省玉米种质资源及其杂种优势利用回顾. 农学学报. 2016, 6(9): 8-14 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16040008
靳晓春,王俊强,蒋佰福,牛忠林,邱磊,吴丽丽 and 夏永伟. Germplasm Resources and Heterosis Utilization of Maize in Heilongjiang Province from 1980 to 2012. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(9): 8-14 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16040008


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