旨在通过对不同糜黍品种的主要农艺性状的综合评价,探讨高产育种途径。采用聚类分析法进行分类,灰色关联度法进行与产量相关的主要农艺性状关联排序。结果表明:18 个糜黍品种的8 个农艺性状与产量的关联度大小依次为:生育期>株高>出糜率>单穗重>支穗数>穗长>千粒重>单穗粒重。鉴选出比对照‘晋黍4 号’增产20%以上的糜黍品种6 个,产量最高的是‘灰软糜子(安塞)’4262 kg/hm2,比对照(3209 kg/hm2)增产高达31.11%。不同糜黍品种要获得高产,在栽培技术上要适当延长生育期,通过密度调控株高和支穗数,增大出糜率,使群体和个体都达到生长发育的最佳状态。
The aim was to discuss high yield breeding through comprehensive evaluation of main agronomic characters of different broomcorn millet varieties. The classification was conducted using cluster analysis methods, and the correlation degree between the main agronomic characters and yield was ranked by the gray correlation degree method. The results showed that the correlation degree between 8 agronomic characters of 18 broomcorn millet varieties and yield was as follows: growth duration> stem height> rates of broomcorn millet> spike weight per ear>number of branches>spike length>1000-seed weight>single ear weigh. 6 of the 18 tested varieties had 20% more yield than that of the control‘Jinshu 4’. Among them, the yield of‘soft grey broomcorn millet (Ansai)’reached 4262 kg/hm2 and ranked the first, which was 31.11% higher than that of the control variety‘Jinshu34’which was 3209 kg/hm2. In order to obtain the high yield of different varieties, the cultivation period should be extended, stem height and branching spike number should be regulated by density to improve the rates of broomcorn millet, and make groups and individual reach the best state in growth and development.
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Key words
Broomcorn millet; Varieties Selection;The cluster analysis; Grey correlative degree
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