

农学学报. 2016, 6(5): 82-86

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农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5) : 82-86. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15120017
农业信息 农业气象


  • 曹雪梅,雷延鹏,王鹏,孙智辉
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Feasibility Analysis of Frost Protection and Characteristics of Nighttime Inversion on the Surface Layer of Luochuan County

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为了更加有效地在洛川开展苹果花期霜冻预防技术试验与推广,笔者利用洛川县苹果园梯度观测塔观测的温度、风速数据,采用数理统计方法,分析了洛川近地层夜间气温逆温特征。结果表明:洛川春季辐射降温时,逆温持续时间长、温差大、风速小,具备开展空气扰动防霜的基本条件。洛川逆温出现时间与日出日落时间密切相关,日落后逆温形成,日出后逆温消失。逆温的平均强度为0.7~0.8℃,在冬季最大值出现在午夜,春季(4—5 月)最大值出现在凌晨。春季出现辐射霜冻时,近地层平均逆温强度在2℃以上,最大值可达4℃。逆温的出现受天气影响,当夜间为阴天或有降水时,逆温不会形成。风速对逆温的形成及强度影响极大,当春季夜间风速大于2.5 m/s时,逆温基本上也不存在。


In order to carry out an experiment on frost prevention technology in apple florescence effectively, the authors used the temperature and wind speed data obtained from the apple orchard gradient meteorological tower in Luochuan, adopted mathematical statistics method to analyze the characteristics of nighttime inversion on the surface layer. The results showed that: Luochuan had basic conditions for carrying out frost prevention when the radiation was cool in spring, with long lasting period, small temperature difference and low wind speed. The arisen time of inversion was closely related to the time of sunrise and sunset, the inversion formed after sunset, and disappeared after sunrise. The average intensity of inversion was 0.7-0.8℃, the maximum value appeared at midnight in winter, and before dawn in spring (April to May). The mean intensity of inversion in the surface layer could be over 2℃ and the maximum value could reach 4℃ when the radiation frost occurred in spring. The inversion would not form when the night was cloudy or rainy or the wind speed was greater than 2.5 m/s at night in spring.



Key words

Luochuan; Surface Layer; Characteristics of Inversion; Frost Prevention; Weather


曹雪梅,雷延鹏,王鹏,孙智辉. 洛川近地层夜间气温逆温特征及空气扰动防霜可行性分析. 农学学报. 2016, 6(5): 82-86 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15120017
Feasibility Analysis of Frost Protection and Characteristics of Nighttime Inversion on the Surface Layer of Luochuan County. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(5): 82-86 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15120017


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