

农学学报. 2016, 6(5): 11-17

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农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (5) : 11-17. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15110013


  • 谭景艾,李保同,潘晓华,石庆华
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Resistance Evaluation of Late Japonica Rice Varieties Against Rice False Smut in Jiangxi Province and Chemical Control Technology

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为筛选适宜江西省种植的抗稻曲病晚粳品种和稻曲病防治药剂及其使用技术,采用自然诱发法鉴定了江西省引进的27个晚粳品种对稻曲病的抗性,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了10种药剂对稻曲病菌的室内毒力,采用田间试验比较了10种药剂对稻曲病的防治效果,以及不同施药时间与次数对3种药剂防治效果的影响。田间鉴定结果表明,在27个粳稻品种中,按病穗率作抗性评价指标,高抗品种3个(长江32、常优5号和迟熟粳5),抗性品种14个(长江19号等),中抗品种7个(甬优12号等),中感品种3个(甬优15等);按病情指数作抗性评价指标,高抗品种25个(长江19号等),抗性品种2个(甬优15和甬优17)。室内毒力测定结果表明,10种杀菌剂抑制稻曲病菌丝生长的相对毒力指数大小顺序为腈苯唑(168.49)>噻呋酰胺(111.08)>嘧菌酯(107.84)>氟环唑(91.68)>苯醚甲环唑.丙环唑(83.47)>戊唑醇(42.34)>咪鲜胺(21.51)>己唑醇(12.92)>三唑酮(1.32)>井冈霉素(1)。田间试验结果表明,在水稻破口期按田间推荐剂量施药,在水稻破口期按田间推荐剂量施药,以24%噻呋酰胺SC、24%腈苯唑SC、12.5%氟环唑SC和25%嘧菌酯SC防效最高,在水稻黄熟后期穗防效达69.89%~74.33%,病情指数防效达69.16%~76.12%;其次为30%苯醚甲环唑.丙环唑EC和43%戊唑醇SC,穗防效为55.29%~59.31%,病情指数防效为59.84%~64.53%;30%己唑醇SC、15%三唑酮SC、5%井冈霉素ASP和25%咪鲜胺EC防效相对较差,穗防效均在50%以下,病情指数防效均在59%以下。3种药剂分别在水稻破口前7 d、破口期和破口后7 d施药,对稻曲病防效随着施药时间的推迟而下降,其中在水稻破口前7 d施药效果最好,在水稻破口后7 d施药效果最差。3种药剂施药1次(在水稻破口前7 d)、2次(在水稻破口前7 d和破口期)和3次(在水稻破口前7 d、破口期和破口后7 d),对稻曲病防效随着施药次数的增加而提高,其中施药2次和3次处理间的穗防效和病情指数防效无显著差异,24%腈苯唑SC和24%噻呋酰胺SC施药2次和3次处理的穗防效和病情指数防效显著优于施药1次处理,而12.5%氟环唑SC施药2次和3次处理的穗防效和病情指数防效与施药1次处理无显著差异。本研究结果为江西省晚粳抗稻曲病品种的选育应用和稻曲病药剂防治提供了依据。


To screen resistant varieties of late japonica rice to rice false smut planted in Jiangxi province, and fungicides against rice false smut and its using technologies, the resistance of 27 introduction varieties of late japonica rice to rice false smut in Jiangxi Province was identified by natural infection, indoor toxicity of 10 fungicides against rice false smut was assayed by measuring mycelial growth rate, the efficacies of 10 fungicides against rice false smut and the effects of spray timing and times on the efficacies of 3 fungicides were conducted by field trials. Field test results showed that there were 3 high resistance varieties (Changjiang 32, Changyou No.5 and Chishou jingwu), 14 resistance varieties (Changjiang 19, etc.), 7 middle resistance varieties (Yongyou No.12, etc.) and 3 middle susceptible varieties ((Yongyou 15, etc.) among 27 tested varieties according to disease panicle rate for resistance evaluation index. There were 25 high resistance varieties (Changjiang 19, etc.) and resistance varieties (Yongyou 15 and Yongyou 15) according to disease index for resistance evaluation index. Bioassay results showed that the order of relative toxicity indexes, which 10 kinds of fungicides inhibited mycelium growth of rice false smut, were fenbuconazole(168.49), thifluzamide(111.08), azoxystrobin(107.84), epoxiconazole91.68), difenoconazole?propiconazole83.47), tebuconazole(42.34), prochloraz(21.51), hexaconazole(12.92), triadimefon(1.32) and Jinggangmycin A(1), respectively. The field tests revealed that the efficacy of thifluzamide (24% SC), fenbuconazole (24% SC), epoxiconazole (12.5% SC) and azoxystrobin (25% SC) against rice false smut were highest with panicle efficacy of 69.89%~74.33% and disease index efficacy of 69.16%~76.12% by the survey in late rice ripening (November 14th) according to spray with the recommended using dose in paddy field in heading, followed by difenoconazole?propiconazole (300g/L EC) and tebuconazole (43% SC) with panicle efficacy of 55.29%~59.31% and disease index efficacy of 59.84%~64.53%. The efficacies of hexaconazole (30% SC), triadimefon (15% WP) jingangmycin A (5% SP) and prochloraz (25% EC) were relatively poor, and those of their panicle were below 50% and those of their disease index were below 59%. The efficacies of fenbuconazole (24% SC), epoxiconazole (12.5% SC) and thifluzamide (24% SC) against rice false smut decreased with delaying spray timing at 7 d before heading, heading and 7 d after heading, with spray at 7 d before heading being the best, and with spray at 7 d after heading being the worst. The efficacies of 3 fungicides against rice false smut rose with increasing spray times with spraying once (at 7 d before heading), 2 times (at 7 d before heading and heading) and 3 times (at 7 d before heading, heading and 7 d after heading), which there was no significant difference between the panicle and disease index efficacies with spraying 2 times and 3 times. The panicle and disease index efficacies of fenbuconazole (24% SC) and thifluzamide (24% SC) with spraying 2 times and 3 times were significant better than that with spraying 1 time, and there was no significant difference between the panicle and disease index efficacies of epoxiconazole (12.5% SC)with spraying 2 times and 3 times and that with spraying 1 time. The result provides a basis for the breeding and application of resistance varieties of late japonica rice in Jiangxi province and chemical control against rice false smut.



Key words

Late Japonica Rice; Rice False Smut; Resistance Evaluation; Fungicide; Efficacy


谭景艾,李保同,潘晓华,石庆华. 江西省晚粳品种对稻曲病的抗性评价及稻曲病药剂防治技术研究. 农学学报. 2016, 6(5): 11-17 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15110013
Resistance Evaluation of Late Japonica Rice Varieties Against Rice False Smut in Jiangxi Province and Chemical Control Technology. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(5): 11-17 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15110013


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