

农学学报. 2016, 6(1): 1-6

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农学学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 1-6. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15060011
农艺科学 生理生化


  • 薛亚光,魏亚凤,李波,汪波,刘建
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Effects of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Grain Yield and Its Components of Wheat Under Wide Belt Planting

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为确定江苏沿江地区宽幅带播小麦高产栽培的适宜播期和种植密度,以春性小麦品种扬麦13为材料,设置10月26日、11月5日、11月15日3个播期和150万苗/hm2、225万苗/hm2、300万苗/hm2、375万苗/hm2 4个种植密度,通过大田裂区试验研究了不同播期和种植密度条件下宽幅带播(20 cm麦幅,40 cm行距)小麦产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明:不同播种期和种植密度对宽幅带播小麦的穗粒数、千粒重影响不显著,但对单位面积穗数和籽粒产量的影响均达到显著水平。3个播种期中,10月26日播期的平均产量最高。与10月26日播期相比,11月5日和11月15日播种小麦的平均产量分别降低了5.98%和19.50%,其中11月15日的差异达到极显著水平。不同密度之间,300万苗/hm2、375万苗/hm2两个水平之间的平均产量无显著差异,但均显著高于150万苗/hm2和225万苗/hm2的产量。根据各播种期与密度组合的产量分析,10月26日至11月5日为较适宜播种期范围,其相应的适宜密度为300万~375万苗/ hm2的基本苗。


In order to clarify the suitable sowing date and planting density for wheat under wide belt planting in the area along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, a vernal wheat variety‘Yangmai 13’was used as the material and a field experiment with split plot design was conducted to study the effect of sowing date and planting density on grain yield and its components of vernal wheat with 20 cm drilling width and 40 cm spacing intervals. The results showed that the effects of sowing date and density onkernels per spike and thousand seed weight were not significant, but their effects on spike number of unit area and grain yield were significant.The average yield of wheat sown on October 26 was the highest, the average yield of wheat sown on November 5 and 15 reduced by 5.98% and 19.50% compared with that on October 26, and the average yield of wheat sown on November 15 reached a highly significant difference. The average yield of wheat of the planting density of 3 million and 3.75 million seedlings per hectare had no significant difference, but were significantly higher than that of 1.5 million and 2.25 million seedlings per hectare. According to the analysis of sowing date and planting density, October 26 to November 5 was the suitable sowing period, and the corresponding density was 3 million to 3.75 million seedlings per hectare.



Key words

Wide Belt Planting; Sowing Date; Density; Components of Yield; Grain Yield


薛亚光,魏亚凤,李波,汪波,刘建. 播期和密度对宽幅带播小麦产量及其构成因素的影响. 农学学报. 2016, 6(1): 1-6 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15060011
Effects of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Grain Yield and Its Components of Wheat Under Wide Belt Planting. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(1): 1-6 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15060011


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