

农学学报. 2015, 5(12): 5-8

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农学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (12) : 5-8. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15030034
农艺科学 生理生化


  • 彭之东,白文斌,赵建武,董良利,曹昌林,范娜,史丽娟,王金转,张建华,李光,范国华
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Research on Sorghum Seed Pelleting Prescription

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为实现高粱抗旱保全苗和通用精密播种机播种,笔者选取了4 种附着剂(粘土、腻子粉、粉煤灰、炉渣)和3 种粘着剂(108 胶、水、明胶),进行了不同组分的配比研究,筛选出适宜高粱种子丸粒化材料的最佳配比,并且对丸粒化种子的抗压强度、崩解时间、出苗率以及幼苗生长进行了测定。结果表明:粘土丸粒种子的出苗率为95%,腻子粉丸粒种子的出苗率为85%,粉煤灰丸粒种子的出苗率为75%,炉渣丸粒种子的出苗率为92%,对照裸种的出苗率为97%;明胶溶液所制丸粒的抗压强度较108 胶溶液低,抗压强度顺序为:粘土>腻子粉>炉渣>粉煤灰;崩解度顺序为:粘土>腻子粉>粉煤灰>炉渣;同一粘合剂浓度与不同填充剂制作的丸粒抗压强度与崩解度也不同,抗压强度顺序为:粘土>炉渣>腻子粉>粉煤灰;崩解度顺序为:粘土>腻子粉>粉煤灰>炉渣。因此,粘土与20%的108 胶水溶液为高粱种子丸粒化材料的最优配比。


In order to achieve the goal of drought-resistance and high rate of germination of sorghum and the application of general precision planter, four kinds of adhesion agent (clay, putty powder, fly ash and slag) and three kinds of adhesive (108 glue, water and gelatin) were selected, a ratio experiment was conducted, the best formula of sorghum seeds pelleting material was screened and compressive strength, disintegration time, the rate of germination and seedling growth of the pelleting seed were assayed. The results showed that the germination rate of clay pelleting seed, putty powder pelleting seed, fly ash pelleting seed and slag pelleting seed was 95%, 85%, 75% and 92% respectively, while the germination rate of the naked seed was 97%. The compressive strength of seed pelleted by gelatin solution was lower than that pelleted by 108 glue solution and the order of compressive strength was clay> putty powder> slag> fly ash; the order of disintegrating degree was: clay> putty powder> fly ash> slag. The compressive strength and disintegrating degree of seeds pelleted by the same adhesive concentration and different fillers were also different, the order of compressive strength was clay> slag> putty powder> fly ash; the order of disintegrating degree was clay> putty powder> fly ash> slag. Therefore, the optimal formula of sorghum seed pelleting was clay and 20% of the 108 glue solution.



Key words

Sorghum; Seed; Pelletisation; Precision Seeding


彭之东,白文斌,赵建武,董良利,曹昌林,范娜,史丽娟,王金转,张建华,李光,范国华. 高粱种子丸粒化配方研究. 农学学报. 2015, 5(12): 5-8 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15030034
Research on Sorghum Seed Pelleting Prescription. Journal of Agriculture. 2015, 5(12): 5-8 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas15030034


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