【Objective】To explicit effect of chromosomes of Leymus racemosus on agronomic traits, disease resistance and heat tolerance in wheat would provide a theoretical basis for further utilization of excellent Genes.【Method】The resistances of barley yellow dwarf disease(BYDV), powdery mildew, stripe rust were identified by artificial inoculation or natural infection. InstallmentsSsowingSsimulationSenvironmentSof high temperature stress bySinterval sowingSunder the field,Sheat tolerance was evaluatedSbySwheat grain weightSchanges. Agronomic trait and regrowthSability of Chinese Spring- L. racemosus addition lines and substitution line and their wheat background Chinese Spring were investigated after harvest.【Result】The results showed that highly susceptible to powdery mildew to the E09 physiologicalSrace atSSeedling Stage, wereSbetter than lower that of Chinese Spring at adult stage in the greenhouses, and the alien chromosome lines with high yellow rust resistance than those from Chinese Spring. Positive effect of Chromosome H on spike length number of spikelet, early heading stage, increasing resistance to BYDV was found, Chromosome A, H on heat tolerance, Chromosomes J on grain size. Chromosome A, L containedSSSawn gene, Chromosome F with regrowth and supernumerary spikelet genes.【Conclusion】SWheat powdery mildew resistance genes were not found in L. racemosus chromosomes of the 10 Chinese Spring- L. racemosus alien chromosome lines. Addition line of DALr#A, DALr#F, DALr#H and DALr#J would be used in wheat breeding for improving agronomic trait, BYDV resistance,stripe rustSresistance and heat tolerance.
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Key words
Wheat; Leymus racemosus; Alien Chromosome Lines; Agronomic Trait; Disease Resistance; Heat Tolerance
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