The effect of abnormal temperature and changes on agricultural production is significant under the global warming background. Based on the field investigation and the data of weather stations, it was analised the frost disaster of maize that occurred in Weichang, Chengde on may 19-20, 2013. The results showed that maize growing point has not been frozen to death when the temperature drops suddenly in maize seedling stage while the lowest temperature reached -3.3℃, and the duration of the lower than 0℃ for 4 hours. The maize can regrow slowly after the frost damage, but its development stages was delayed, and the individual characters of maize yield was affected severely also. Under the global warming conditions, it should be strengthened to prevent adverse effects of low temperature on agricultural production.
玉米;苗期冻害 影响
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Key words
maize;frost disaster;in seedling;stage impact
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