Occurrence characteristics and comprehensive control measures of wheat basal rot
Wheat basal rot is a disease that has occurred in wheat fields in recent years, particularly in corn-wheat continuous cropping fields, where it has shown a trend of increasing severity, causing a reduction in this plant yield and quality to some extent. To understand the occurrence characteristics of this disease and effectively control its spread and minimize damage, based on the wheat production practice in Lingbi County, Anhui Province, the occurrence, damage symptoms, disease characteristics, and influencing factors of this disease rot were analyzed through years of field investigations and a review of relevant literature. On this basis, the health cultivation as the basis were proposed, including the selection of resistant varieties, crop rotation, appropriate deep plowing, removal of straw from the field, precision seeding, and balanced fertilization. Additionally, seed treatment with chemicals during the wheat sowing period, the use of highly effective and low-toxicity pesticides for green control during the regreening stage, and an integrated control technology combining “one spray for three preventions” during the heading stage to manage wheat basal rot were recommended.
小麦 / 茎基腐病 / 发生特点 / 为害症状 / 保健栽培 / 科学用药 {{custom_keyword}} /
wheat / basal rot / occurrence characteristics / hazard symptoms / health cultivation / scientific medication {{custom_keyword}} /
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