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  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 185-194.
    针对现有目标检测模型对自然环境下茶叶病害识别易受复杂背景干扰、早期病斑难以检测等问题,该研究提出了YOLOv5-CBM茶叶病害识别模型。YOLOv5-CBM以YOLOv5s模型为基础,在主干特征提取阶段,将一个带有Transformer的C3模块和一个CA(coordinate attention)注意力机制融入特征提取网络中,实现对病害特征的提取。其次,利用加权双向特征金字塔(BiFPN)作为网络的Neck,通过自适应调节每个尺度特征的权重,使网络在获得不同尺寸特征时更好地将其融合,提高识别的准确率。最后,在检测端新增一个小目标检测头,解决了茶叶病害初期病斑较小容易出现漏检的问题。在包含有3种常见茶叶病害的数据集上进行试验,结果表明,YOLOv5-CBM对自然环境下的初期病斑检测效果有明显提高,与原始YOLOv5s模型相比,对早期茶饼病和早期茶轮斑病识别的平均精度分别提高了1.9和0.9个百分点,对不同病害检测的平均精度均值达到了97.3%,检测速度为8 ms/幅,均优于其他目标检测算法。该模型具有较高的识别准确率与较强的鲁棒性,可为茶叶病害的智能诊断提供参考。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(23): 230-237.
    为了避免日光温室中卷式卷帘机械在工作时损坏前屋面覆盖层薄膜,通常会在卷帘机下方铺垫一条固定保温被。日间,这条保温被会遮挡进入日光温室的太阳光线并在室内形成阴影。针对固定保温被对室内光热环境分布和作物产量的影响,该研究对固定保温被下方的光照、温度和作物的产量进行测试,同时利用太阳直射辐射理论提出固定保温被阴影宽度的计算方法。结果表明,在试验期间固定保温被正下方的光照强度平均值为198μmol/(m~2·s),距离固定保温被4.0~5.0 m位置处的光照强度是固定保温被正下方的2.0倍以上。日间,固定保温被正下方的空气温度、墙面温度和土壤温度相比于固定保温被两侧最大降低2.2、5.8和2.3℃。夜间,墙面温度和土壤温度最大降低1.2和1.3℃。固定保温被正下方单垄番茄相比于其他垄平均减产36.2%,植株茎粗平均减小2.0~4.0 mm。不同地理位置和不同方位角的日光温室受到固定保温被遮阴在室内形成的阴影宽度范围为11.0~14.0 m。该研究定量分析了使用中卷式卷帘机械的日光温室中固定保温被对室内光热环境和作物产量的影响。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(23): 247-258.
    探索淮河生态经济带耕地资源分布变化特征,可为保护耕地、保障国家粮食安全提供规划和决策依据。基于1990—2020年遥感影像数据,利用空间探索、统计分析等方法,揭示该区域耕地资源在过去30年的时空分布变化及其驱动机制,并进一步对2030年土地利用进行情景预测。结果表明:1)淮河生态经济带土地利用结构以耕地为主,平均占比为68.70%;近30年来研究区耕地面积剧烈缩减8.63×10~5 hm~2,年均减少2.88×10~4 hm~2,其中旱地减少占耕地总减少量的81.69%;耕地的流失主要在于建设用地的侵占。2)耕地资源具有明显的集聚特征,以淮河为分界线集聚分布,呈现“东南水田、西北旱地”的典型分布特征。3)耕地资源分布变化的主导驱动因子包括农业机械化水平、粮食产量、人口等社会驱动力;生态驱动力各要素对耕地资源变化的驱动力则相对较为稳定。4)自然发展情景下,2030年耕地面积持续减少110 011 hm~2,在积极的耕地保护情景下,耕地面积将显著增加529 309 hm~2;采取耕地保护情景,鲁中南低山丘陵区以及桐柏—伏牛山通过开垦部分疏林地和低覆盖草地将其整治为耕地,东部沿海可将沿海水域合理建设为建设用地,中部区域可通过减少建设用地的碎片化,较大程度上使耕地资源的连片化,从而在一定程度上提高耕地的利用效率。研究对于优化淮河生态经济带耕地资源结构以及空间优化配置具有重要意义。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(23): 268-275.
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(22): 199-206.
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(22): 246-257.
    为可视化冷链储运过程中桑葚品质和剩余货架期,该研究通过单因素和正交试验调节木糖、甘氨酸、磷酸氢二钾(K_2HPO_4)浓度配比,实时记录不同配比时间温度指示器(time temperature indicator, TTI)的颜色及吸光度变化规律,寻求最佳浓度配比的TTI,利用傅里叶红外光谱和紫外-可见吸收光谱探究TTI内在机理,并用动力学验证TTI恒温和断链情况下的适用性。结果表明,当木糖浓度为1.00 mol/L,甘氨酸浓度为2.00 mol/L,K_2HPO_4浓度为1.00 mol/L时TTI的吸光度更高,颜色变化更为均匀,通过阿仑尼乌斯方程得到TTI活化能为40.13 kJ/mol。桑葚在-1~25℃的失重率、花青素、硬度、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和维生素C的活化能分别为36.08、40.42、43.35、38.28、43.72、40.41 kJ/mol,与TTI活化能接近,说明TTI可以很好地监测桑葚的剩余货架期。此外,断链模拟结果显示,桑葚开始腐败时,TTI的颜色到达指示终点,桑葚品质变化与TTI颜色变化一致,且在不同温度波动试验下桑葚各指标和TTI的等效温度小于1℃,由此说明,在温度波动情况下TTI可以很好地监测桑葚的品质以及剩余货架期。研究结果可为桑葚在储运过程中提供有效的剩余货架期监测,通过调节TTI的制备参数可改变其使用寿命和适用范围,以匹配不同货架期的食品。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(21): 246-257.
    充分认识青藏高原地区耕地资源质量的空间格局与时间变化特征,是探索区域性耕地资源保护与可持续利用路径的重要基础,对维护青藏高原地区的粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要意义。设计空间抽样方案,利用较少的样点尽可能全面地表征区域耕地质量的总体特征,对于开展耕地资源质量长期观测与机理研究具有重要意义。该研究以青海省互助土族自治县为研究区开展基于耕地质量指标数据驱动的空间抽样实证研究,从信息熵、Kullback–Leibler散度、相似度距离、样本对总体耕地质量空间异质性的表征能力、样本空间分布均匀性等视角,对比分析随机抽样法(random sampling method,RSM),空间覆盖随机抽样法(spatial coverage sampling and random sampling,SPCOSA),条件拉丁超立方体法(conditioned latin hypercube sampling,CLHS),加入平面坐标的条件拉丁超立方体法(CLHS with x and y coordinates as covariates,XY_CLHS),空间覆盖随机抽样与条件拉丁超立方体抽样的混合抽样法(spatial coverage sampling and random sampling–conditioned latin hypercube sampling,SPCOSA_CLHS)5种空间抽样方法在青藏高原县级区域耕地质量指标调查观测点位布局应用中的优劣特征与适用性,并探索了研究区适宜的观测点位数量。结果表明:SPCOSA_CLHS可以以较低空间约束的方式将SPCOSA指示的空间异质性特征集成到CLHS模型中,在表达总体的耕地质量指标属性特征和空间异质性特征方面更具优势;当抽样数量缩减到40~50时,抽样结果对总体耕地质量指标属性信息量的表征能力与抽样数量为100~200时近似;且SPCOSA_CLHS方法在表达耕地质量指标空间异质性、设计样点分布的空间均匀性、模拟总体耕地质量特征的准确性方面具有明显优势。该研究可以为青藏高原地区耕地资源质量调查监测工作提供方法支持,对理解该地区耕地资源质量变化过程、探索耕地可持续利用路径具有重要作用。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(19): 185-194.
  • Yifan HU, Xiaoyu GAO, Junyu SU, Mei AN, Linxia YANG, Shaobing YANG, Yang TIAN, Yuanhong FAN
    Chin J Trop Crop. 2024, 45(5): 915-927.

    Amomum tsao-ko (AT) is a medicinal and food homologous crop rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. The germplasm of AT is relatively mixed, and it is urgent to carry out research on AT germplasm resources and screening of high-quality AT seed sources. This study aimed to screen and evaluate the content of polyphenols and flavonoids and antioxidant activities of laxative active components of AT resources, and to explore the possible factors of component accumulation. In this study, a total of 57 samples were collected in Laos, Myanmar, Sichuan, Guangxi and Yunnan in China, and the polyphenol content and flavonoid content of AT aqueous extract were determined by forinphenol method and NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH colorimetric method, and the DPPH radical scavenging ability of AT aqueous extract was detected. The correlation between polyphenol and flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging capacity and geographic factors was analyzed. The results showed that the content of polyphenols and flavonoids in spindle-shaped AT resources was higher than that of oval fruit and round fruit, and the content of flavonoids in AT resources abroad and Nujiang was higher than that in other regions (outside the province, western Yunnan, southwest Yunnan, Wenshan and Honghe). The content of AT polyphenols and flavonoids was significantly positively correlated with DPPH radical scavenging capacity and altitude (P<0.05), and negatively correlated with longitude (P<0.05) and latitude (P>0.05), so it was speculated that the accumulation of AT polyphenols and flavonoids may be related to temperature, light, ultraviolet rays and soil moisture. Finally, according to polyphenols, flavonoids, the classification standards were formulated, and the AT resources were divided into three grades, which would provide an analysis method for the establishment of the AT quality grade evaluation system. The excellent AT resources were screened by this method as Nujiang samples GS-3 and GS-10 and foreign samples MDL-1 and MGK-2. This study would provide a scientific basis for the investigation and collection of AT, as well as the study of origin and evolution, and also lay a solid foundation for the utilization of AT resources and the development of industry in the future.

  • Crop Science
    Jing Chen, Baizhao Ren, Bin Zhao, Peng Liu, Jiwang Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2227-2241.

    Ear differentiation, grain development and their interaction with factors in the growing environment, such as temperature, solar radiation and precipitation, greatly influence grain number and grain weight, and ultimately affect summer maize production.  In this study, field experiments involving different sowing dates were conducted over three years to evaluate the effects of temperature factors, average solar radiation and total precipitation on the growth process, ear differentiation, fertilization characteristics, grain filling and yield of summer maize varieties with different growth durations.  Four hybrids were evaluated in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (HHHP), China from 2018 to 2020 with five different sowing dates.  The results showed that the grain yield formation of summer maize was strongly impacted by the environment from the silking (R1) to milking (R3) stage.  Average minimum temperature (ATmin) was the key environmental factor that determined yield.  Reductions in the length of the growing season (r=–0.556, P<0.01) and the total floret number on ear (R2=0.200, P<0.001) were found when ATmin was elevated from the emerging (VE) to R1 stage.  Both grain-filling rate (R2=0.520, P<0.001) and the floret abortion rate on ear (R2=0.437, P<0.001) showed quadratic relationships with ATmin from the R1 to physiological maturity (R6) stage, while the number of days after the R1 stage (r=–0.756, P<0.01) was negatively correlated with ATmin.  An increase in ATmin was beneficial for the promotion of yield when it did not exceeded a certain level (above 23°C during the R1–R3 stage and 20–21°C during the R1-R6 stage).  Enhanced solar radiation and precipitation during R1–R6 increased the grain-filling rate (R2=0.562, P<0.001 and R2=0.229, P<0.05, respectively).  Compared with short-season hybrids, full-season hybrids showed much greater suitability for a critical environment.  The coordinated regulation of ATmin, ear differentiation and grain development at the pre- and post-silking stages improved maize yield by increasing total floret number and grain-filling rate, and by reducing the floret abortion rate on ear. 

  • Crop Science
    Yibo Hu, Feng Qin, Zhen Wu, Xiaoqin Wang, Xiaolong Ren, Zhikuan Jia, Zhenlin Wang, Xiaoguang Chen, Tie Cai
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2211-2226.

    Lodging is still the key factor that limits continuous increases in wheat yields today, because the mechanical strength of culms is reduced due to low-light stress in populations under high-yield cultivation.  The mechanical properties of the culm are mainly determined by lignin, which is affected by the light environment.  However, little is known about whether the light environment can be sufficiently improved by changing the population distribution to inhibit culm lodging.  Therefore, in this study, we used the wheat cultivar “Xinong 979” to establish a low-density homogeneous distribution treatment (LD), high-density homogeneous distribution treatment (HD), and high-density heterogeneous distribution treatment (HD-h) to study the regulatory effects and mechanism responsible for differences in the lodging resistance of wheat culms under different population distributions.  Compared with LD, HD significantly reduced the light transmittance in the middle and basal layers of the canopy, the net photosynthetic rate in the middle and lower leaves of plants, the accumulation of lignin in the culm, and the breaking resistance of the culm, and thus the lodging index values increased significantly, with lodging rates of 67.5% in 2020–2021 and 59.3% in 2021–2022.  Under HD-h, the light transmittance and other indicators in the middle and basal canopy layers were significantly higher than those under HD, and the lodging index decreased to the point that no lodging occurred.  Compared with LD, the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-Lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase (4CL), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), and cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) in the lignin synthesis pathway were significantly reduced in the culms under HD during the critical period for culm formation, and the relative expression levels of TaPAL, Ta4CL, TaCOMT, and TaCAD were significantly downregulated.  However, the activities of lignin synthesis-related enzymes and their gene expression levels were significantly increased under HD-h compared with HD.  A partial least squares path modeling analysis found significant positive effects between the canopy light environment, the photosynthetic capacity of the middle and lower leaves of plants, lignin synthesis and accumulation, and lodging resistance in the culms.  Thus, under conventional high-density planting, the risk of wheat lodging was significantly higher.  Accordingly, the canopy light environment can be optimized by changing the heterogeneity of the population distribution to improve the photosynthetic capacity of the middle and lower leaves of plants, promote lignin accumulation in the culm, and enhance lodging resistance in wheat.  These findings provide a basis for understanding the mechanism responsible for the lower mechanical strength of the culm under high-yield wheat cultivation, and a theoretical basis and for developing technical measures to enhance lodging resistance.

  • QIAN Li, LIU Zhibo, HU Maodi, CHANG Zhijun
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture. 2024, 36(3): 32-45.
    [Purpose/Significance] The new quality productivity advancing AI technology, especially exemplified by large language models (LLMs), is rapidly updating and attracting wide attention. In order to accelerate the implementation of AI technologies, it is urgent for advanced AI technologies to acquire support from knowledge resources in scientific and technological (S & T) information and libraries. Meanwhile, S & T information provides significant potential service scenarios for the application of AI technologies such as LLMs. This study aims to explore and design the method and path for constructing AI-ready data resources in the field of S & T information, and proposes a comprehensive and operable construction model that adapts to the new technical environment of AI, thereby facilitating comprehensive readiness in the field of intelligence. [Method/Process] This study first focuses on the concept and development status of AI-ready construction, and examines the development of AI-ready construction at home and abroad from three aspects: governments, enterprises and research institutions. The survey shows that the application of artificial intelligence has been highly valued by various fields of scientific research and production. However, the groundwork and preparation for AI applications are still relatively lagging behind, and AI tools cannot be fully implemented in key application scenarios due to the lack of high-quality and refined data resources. Based on the research results, the study made a preliminary definition of AI-ready construction, that is, we defined AI-ready construction as: the various development and improvement actions to adapt the object to the AI technical environment and promote the long-term benefits. The research then focuses on the field of S & T information, and systematically discusses and designs the AI-ready construction mode in the field of S & T information from six aspects: connotation category, construction angle, construction object, construction principle, control dimension and types of construction mode. [Results/Conclusions] The construction of AI-ready S & T information resources is a comprehensive and multi-angle transformation and upgrading process, which is located between the knowledge resource end and the intelligence application end. It is carried out in four aspects, including standards, methods, tools and platforms. The main content of the construction includes channels of AI technology, data transformation, data resources, and data management. At the same time, the construction is comprehensively controlled by six principles and four control dimensions. Besides, this study proposes the way of the practical construction of AI-ready S & T data resources, including the construction of intelligent data systems, and the construction of integrated platforms for the whole life cycle of S&T information data. The path reflects the process of the variation of knowledge resources from diversification to organization and then to integration, which not only serves the scientific information field itself, but also provides more intelligent, convenient, rich and powerful S&T information support for various fields. In the future, it is hoped that further research can delve into more micro and practical aspects, review the specific characteristics of different AI technologies, and provide more detailed suggestions for specific application scenarios at the operational level, providing a solid guarantee for scientific research institutions to achieve the leading strategic position in research and development.
  • ZHOU Wenjie
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture. 2024, 36(3): 21-31.
    [Purpose/Significance] This paper aims to explore the development and evolution of the library statistical evaluation index system, highlighting its characteristics and changes at different stages of document management, information management, and data management. The research is conducted around three key stages: document level, information level, and data level, analyzing the main content and significance of the library statistical evaluation index system at different development stages. The innovation of this paper lies in the systematic analysis of these transitions, providing a comprehensive perspective that integrates theoretical and methodological advances with practical indicators. [Method/Process] The research methodology includes a systematic analysis of statistical evaluation indicators of libraries in different stages of development. The study uses historical review and theoretical analysis methods, analyzing the development of document organization, information digitization, and data management in libraries. By examining the development of classification, cataloging, and evaluation metrics, the research combines historical documentation with contemporary practices to provide a solid theoretical foundation. The study also draws on existing literature and integrates data from library management systems and user feedback to assess service quality and operational efficiency. This mixed-methods approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the applicability and effectiveness of the evaluation indicators. [Results/Conclusions] The study shows that the library's statistical evaluation index system has evolved significantly, reflecting the library's adaptation to changing resource types and management needs. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows. The document level in the first stage, focusing on book circulation, including indicators such as book use efficiency, collection development quality, and reader engagement. Key metrics such as cumulative borrowing and utilization rates provide basic service performance data, but lack deep information insights. With the development of information technology, library statistical evaluation indicators have expanded to include service frequency, response time, user satisfaction, and growth rates, enabling libraries to evaluate and improve service strategies based on user feedback and service performance. Currently, the library's statistical evaluation system focuses on research data management and data value assessment. Indicators now include not only resource- and service-related metrics but also operational efficiency, budget utilization, technological updates, scholarly contributions, and social impact. These indicators provide a comprehensive view of the library's performance in resource management, service quality, and social contribution, helping to optimize resource allocation, enhance service quality, and increase impact. The study also acknowledges certain limitations, such as the evolving nature of technology and user needs, which may require continuous updates to the evaluation system. Future research should explore the integration of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to further refine evaluation metrics. In addition, ongoing studies are needed to adapt to emerging trends in data management and user behavior to ensure that libraries remain at the forefront of information services in the digital age.
  • FAN Kexin, XIAN Guojian, ZHAO Ruixue, HUANG Yongwen, SUN Tan
    Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture. 2024, 36(3): 92-107.
    [Purpose/Significance] Breeding 4.0, characterized by "biotechnology + artificial intelligence + big data information technology," has brought new requirements for the digital management and intelligent utilization of germplasm resources. In order to meet the diverse support needs for knowledge service forms under an intelligent background, this article aims to propose an effective method for knowledge organization and deep semantic association. This is essential to address the inconveniences that discrete germplasm resource data bring to researchers when collaborating across regions and institutions. Therefore, the article presents a method that integrates fragmented domain data into a systematic knowledge system, which is particularly important. [Method/Process] By analyzing the domain data descriptions and the current organizational status, the ontology construction was performed using the seven-step method developed by Stanford University Hospital. First, existing ontologies such as the Crop Ontology, Gene Ontology, and Darwin Core were referenced and reused, and then integrated with the knowledge framework from the "Technical Specifications for Crop Germplasm Resources" series and example datasets. Consequently, an ontology model was successfully constructed, which covers five major categories of crops: cereals, cash crops, vegetables, fruit trees, and forage and green manure crops. This model defines 11 core classes including phenotypes and genotypes, as well as identification methods and evaluation standards, along with 10 object properties and 56 data properties. [Results/Conclusions] Based on the ontology model, the article proposes a methodology for constructing a knowledge graph of crop germplasm resources. Using rice as an example, a domain-specific fine-grained knowledge graph is developed to facilitate semantic association and querying across multiple knowledge dimensions. The article also outlines prospective designs for new intelligent knowledge service scenarios driven by the knowledge graph, such as intelligent question and answer and knowledge computation, aiming to meet the knowledge service needs of researchers, breeding companies, and the general public. This is intended to provide more accurate and efficient support for computational breeding efforts. Currently, the research focuses only on rice as an example of a cereal crop, with economic crops, vegetables, and other types of crop germplasm resources not yet included in the study. Future work will expand the scope of the study and add new classes and properties specific to different germplasm resources to better address the diverse and personalized knowledge needs of users in the eraa of big data. This approach aims to promote the contextualization, ubiquity, and intelligence of knowledge services, and to further integrate them into different academic disciplines related to the development of new quality digital productivity.
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(18): 192-200.
    为了快速精准地识别复杂果园环境下的葡萄目标,该研究基于YOLOv5s提出一种改进的葡萄检测模型(MRWYOLOv5s)。首先,为了减少模型参数量,采用轻量型网络MobileNetv3作为特征提取网络,并在MobileNetv3的bneck结构中嵌入坐标注意力模块(coordinate attention,CA)以加强网络的特征提取能力;其次,在颈部网络中引入RepVGG Block,融合多分支特征提升模型的检测精度,并利用RepVGG Block的结构重参数化进一步加快模型的推理速度;最后,采用基于动态非单调聚焦机制的损失(wise intersection over union loss,WIoU Loss)作为边界框回归损失函数,加速网络收敛并提高模型的检测准确率。结果表明,改进的MRW-YOLOv5s模型参数量仅为7.56 M,在测试集上的平均精度均值(mean average precision,mAP)达到97.74%,相较于原YOLOv5s模型提升了2.32个百分点,平均每幅图片的检测时间为10.03 ms,比原YOLOv5s模型减少了6.13 ms。与主流的目标检测模型SSD、RetinaNet、YOLOv4、YOLOv7和YOLOX相比,MRW-YOLOv5s模型的mAP分别高出9.89、7.53、2.12、0.91、2.42个百分点,并且在模型参数量大小和检测速度方面有着很大的优势,该研究可为果园智能化、采摘机械化提供技术支持。
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(02): 25-26.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(02): 94-96.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(06): 103-104.
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  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(09): 24-25.
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  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(09): 11-16.
  • J Intell Agric Mech Chin Eng. 2021, 2(02): 1-6+25.
  • J Intell Agric Mech Chin Eng. 2023, 4(02): 35-43.
    针对果园环境下葡萄生长场景复杂多变,葡萄机器人难以根据视觉检测结果制定无碰撞采摘策略的问题,提出了一种基于改进YOLO-v4的不同遮挡状态葡萄检测方法。首先,根据果园环境下葡萄的生长场景状态,将葡萄分别标记为4种类型:无遮挡葡萄,叶片遮挡葡萄,枝干遮挡葡萄,重叠遮挡葡萄;然后采用YOLO-v4框架作为检测模型,将注意力机制模型(CBAM)分别嵌入YOLO-v4框架中的主干网络(CSPDarknet53,YOLO-C-C)和路径聚合网络(PANet, YOLO-C-P),通过对CSPDarknet53和PANet网络特征提取过程进行目标注意,增强网络对葡萄特征的提取能力,降低复杂场景的干扰,以期达到果园环境下不同遮挡葡萄的高精确度检测;最后通过比较YOLO-C-C和YOLO-C-P网络的识别精确度与F1得分,得到最适合果园遮挡场景下的葡萄检测模型YOLO-C-P。对该方法的性能评估及与其他算法对比试验结果表明,YOLO-C-P模型对无遮挡、叶片遮挡、枝干遮挡、重叠遮挡的葡萄检测精确度分别为91.26%、92.47%、92.41%、90.65%,平均F1得分为91.71%;与同系列模型YOLO-v4、YOLO-X-X、YOLO-v5-X相比,F1得分分别提升了12.62、8.65、5.31个百分点。平均识别一幅图像的时间为0.13 s。该研究能够快速、有效识别无遮挡、叶片遮挡、枝干遮挡、重叠遮挡情况下的葡萄,可帮助机器人制定果园环境下的采摘策略(采摘顺序和路径规划),以避免因遮挡导致的碰撞造成采摘失败,为葡萄机器人提供了一种果园采摘辅助决策方法。
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(01): 56-66.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(02): 105-113.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(03): 28-37.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(03): 71-81.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(04): 58-64.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(01): 98.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(01): 60-69.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(04): 86-94.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(04): 38-46.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(04): 78-85.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(04): 20-28.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2021, 3(01): 14-24.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2021, 3(01): 45-55.
    【目的】本研究旨在开展新疆棉田土壤微生物资源大数据与多元异构农业资源数据间基础调查及信息的有效整合与科学分析。【方法】根据新疆不同地区及不同成熟度的棉花种植分区,在新疆生产兵团棉花生产农业大数据平台的基础上,建立中国典型棉田生态系统的微生物组数据库及大数据可视化分析流程。通过LEfse差异分析、RDA冗余分析等手段,解析2017—2019年的新疆棉田土壤微生物多样性和群落结构,并采用建模等方式,实现对棉田土壤微生物资源与多元异构农业资源数据的有效整合。【结果】建成了包含约1.7 GB的土壤微生物信息和5~6 GB环境信息的新疆棉田土壤微生物资源数据库和土壤微生物多样性的可视化分析流程。利用该平台,经分析发现:新疆地区的特早熟棉区(博乐、石河子、阜康),早熟棉区(奎屯),早中熟棉区(哈密)的棉田土壤细菌群落结构在门水平上变化较大,主要类群变形菌门(Proteobacteria)占20.9~29.8%,酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)占16.1~30.6%,疣微菌门(Verrucomi-crobia)占8.7~28.9%,绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)占6.6~21.2%。LEfse分析显示差异物种共计255种,其中鞘脂单胞菌(Sphingomonadales)、脱硫杆菌(Desulfobacterales)、地杆菌(Geobacter)等是北疆棉区微生物群落结构差异的主要物种。【结论】通过对新疆棉田土壤微生物多样性数据的收集、管理、及分析,为新疆生产兵团棉花生产农业大数据平台的构建与应用起到了重要的支撑作用,将为我国棉田土壤微生物多样性资源的保护和利用奠定科学基础。
  • J Agric Big Data. 2021, 3(02): 42-53.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2021, 3(02): 31-41.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2022, 4(02): 40-47.
    通过对梨种质资源果实生长发育动态观测,探讨果实生长发育规律,为提高其果实品质和产量提供参考依据,对指导果农在果实不同生长发育时期采取相应肥水管理措施、提高果实商品率和品质具有重要意义。对国家梨苹果种质资源圃(兴城) 9个种20份梨种质资源果实生长发育开展动态观测,10个性状包括果实横径、果实纵径、单果重,并计算果实发育期、营养生长天数;在果实成熟期调查果实形状、萼片状态、果实底色、果实心室数,并测量果梗长度;对秋子梨栽培品种‘南果梨’和野生资源‘东宁山梨1’果实成熟期前25天起每隔7天对可溶性糖、蔗糖、果糖和淀粉含量变化进行动态测定,明确秋子梨栽培品种和野生资源之间糖和淀粉的积累规律及存在的差异,以丰富中国梨种质资源植物学特征和果实发育规律等数据,为完善我国梨种质资源数据库奠定基础。
