Triticum aestivum L.
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  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 56-68.
    针对西北地区干旱以及不合理的施氮和种植密度导致的冬小麦产量和水氮利用效率偏低的问题,探究垄膜沟播模式下冬小麦高产和水氮高效利用的最优氮肥密度管理措施。试验设置150 kg/hm~2(D1)、187.5 kg/hm~2(D2)、225 kg/hm~2(D3)3个密度梯度和180 kg/hm~2(N1)、270 kg/hm~2(N2)、360 kg/hm~2(N3)3个施氮水平(以N计),通过2 a(2021—2022年和2022—2023年)田间试验,研究氮密互作对冬小麦生理生长、干物质累积、产量、水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)和氮利用效率(nitrogen partial factor productivity,NPFP)的影响。结果表明:与当地常规氮密处理(D1N3)相比,合理增大种植密度和减少施氮量可使提高抽穗期LAI,使最大干物质累积量和累积速率分别增大147.25%和65.29%。2 a产量均在D2N2处理达到最大,平均值11 911.93 kg·/hm~2,但2 a WUE分别在D2N2和D2N3达到最高,NPFP分别在D2N2和D3N1处理最高。通过拟合分析,2021—2022年冬小麦产量、WUE和NPFP达到最大值时所对应的种植密度与施氮量分别为195.92和260.82 kg/hm~2、200.51和249.80 kg/hm~2、195.92和187.35 kg/hm~2,2022—2023年分别为195.92和257.14 kg/hm~2、194.39和286.53 kg/hm~2、197.45和183.67 kg/hm~2。基于回归模型对产量、WUE和NPFP进行综合评价,最终确定种植密度180.45~190.04 kg/hm~2、施氮量201.66~256.67 kg/hm~2的组合模式为垄膜沟播冬小麦高产和水氮高效利用的氮密管理措施。研究结果可为西北地区冬小麦的高产高效栽培提供理论依据。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 144-152.
    为探索气候变化对甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植区划的影响,科学合理地调整春小麦种植格局。该研究以甘肃农牧交错带30个气象站点1971—2020年的气温和降水时序数据为基础,用BP神经网络对异常和缺失数据进行了插补,依据春小麦生长关键期和整个生育期对光、热和水的需求选取了年均温(温度因子)、年均降水量(水分因子)和≥0℃积温(热量因子)作为春小麦种植适宜性区划指标。采用线性倾向率法、累计距平法及Mann-Kendall突变检验法对3个区划指标进行了时间变化特征分析及突变检验,运用ArcGIS技术对区划指标进行了空间分析。结果表明:研究区多年年均温为6.84℃,年均温以0.56℃/10 a的速率增加,增温趋势明显,于1998年发生突变;年降水量以6.10 mm/10 a的速率呈略微增加趋势,1980年发生突变;≥0℃积温以155.41℃/10 a的速率呈显著升温趋势,≥0℃积温没有发生突变现象。从空间分布来看,年均温和≥0℃积温呈现出西部地区气温低,其他地区气温高的空间格局,而年均温倾向率和≥0℃积温倾向率则呈现出由西向东、由北向南逐步递增的变化趋势;年降水量表现为由南向北逐步递减的空间分布格局,而年降水量倾向率则呈现出自南向北逐步递增的趋势。气候变化导致甘肃农牧交错带春小麦可种植区海拔提升了565 m,使适宜春小麦种植的范围显著扩大,空间上向南、西扩展,总面积增加到1.66×10~6 hm~2,比1998年前增加了8.10×10~4 hm~2,占总耕地面积的5.06%,其中最适宜区范围扩大最为显著,增加了24.44个百分点。同时,春小麦种植适宜程度区划的区域分配呈现出明显的差异性,1998年后甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植最适宜区耕地面积较1998年前增加了4.18×10~5 hm~2,适宜区缩小了2.20×10~5 hm~2,次适宜区缩小了1.17×10~5 hm~2,不适宜区缩小了6.80×10~4 hm~2。研究结果可为气候变化背景下甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植结构的优化调整提供科学依据,有助于区域决策,制定合理利用气候资源的策略,以促进甘肃农牧交错带农业可持续发展和春小麦高产优质。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(23): 1-13.
    为提高小麦氮素监测领域研究的科学性、精准性、交叉性和前沿性,该文通过可视化分析探寻领域研究现状和内容演变,以期了解最新研究动态和未来发展方向。利用文献计量学方法,借助VOSviewer、HistCite等工具,挖掘1990—2022年间发文趋势、学科领域、国家、机构、期刊和高被引论文、研究热点、主题演变等,并对学科交叉和文献集中度等进行分析。对检索得到的14 091篇有效文献研究发现,全球发文量总体呈上升趋势,中国是近年来发展最快的国家,累计发文量达3 300篇,以23.42%的占比位居全球第一,但在本地引文次数和总被引次数方面还有待提升。小麦氮素监测领域从原先以农学、植物科学为代表的单一学科引领,逐步向农学、植物科学、环境科学与生态学、化学、计算机科学、遥感等多学科交叉融合转变;研究热点从早期的氮素营养、氮素循环、光合作用等单一生理过程解析,逐步向遥感监测、作物模型、生长模拟等数字农业方向演变,形成了以中国和美国为代表的全球两大主要研究节点。全球发文量前十作者中有6人来自中国,全球发文量前十机构中国占据6席,中国在高被引论文4项指标中均位居前列。随着时间的推移,研究人员的团队性和国际化合作倾向越发明显,中国与全球发文量前十国家的合作发文量占比为31.48%,且与不同国家合作重点不尽相同。农学类期刊是该领域主要发文刊物,其中以《Field Crops Research》最具代表性。结果表明,小麦氮素监测领域学科交叉态势已日渐显现,国家、机构、作者等文献集中度日趋明显,研究热点及领域发展趋势越发清晰,未来,跨国别、跨学科、跨团队的深度合作将带来更大、更深远的发展契机。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(21): 120-129.
    降雨波动大和过量施氮是限制渭北旱地冬小麦生产中氮肥高效利用和高产稳产的主要因子。该研究旨在构建2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界氮浓度稀释曲线,分析氮营养指数诊断冬小麦氮素营养状况的可行性,为考虑降雨条件下旱地冬小麦精准施氮提供理论依据。于2017—2021年在陕西合阳县开展4 a定位施氮试验,以晋麦47为试验材料,设置0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm~2 5个施氮水平,其中2017—2018年和2020—2021年为平水年,2018—2019和2019—2020年为欠水年。研究2种降雨年型下施氮量对冬小麦氮素利用、产量及产量构成因素的影响,基于2种降雨年型下地上部生物量与植株氮浓度之间的关系,构建临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型和氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)优化施肥方案。结果表明:1)施氮量、降雨年型及其二者互作效应对穗数、千粒质量、产量影响显著或极显著。2)2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界植株氮浓度和地上部生物量均符合幂函数关系,但模型参数之间存在差异(模型参数a在平水年和欠水年分别为3.33、2.79 g/kg,参数b在平水年和欠水年分别为0.40、0.31)。模型拟合的植株氮浓度和实际氮浓度线性相关,平水年均方根误差和标准化均方根误差分别为0.20 g/kg、10.30%,欠水年分别为0.14 g/kg、7.69%,均说明模型具有较好稳定性。3)根据产量表现和氮营养指数,平水年适宜施氮量为160~180 kg/hm~2,欠水年适宜施氮量为101~120 kg/m~2。该研究可为渭北旱地冬小麦植株各生育时期氮素评估和精准施氮提供理论依据。
  • Agro-ecosystem & Environment
    Sainan Geng, Lantao Li, Yuhong Miao, Yinjie Zhang, Xiaona Yu, Duo Zhang, Qirui Yang, Xiao Zhang, Yilun Wang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2446-2457.

    Nitrogen (N) is a key factor in the positive response of cereal crops that follow leguminous crops when compared to gramineous crops in rotations, with the nonrecyclable rhizosphere-derived N playing an important role.  However, quantitative assessments of differences in the N derived from rhizodeposition (NdfR) between legumes and gramineous crops are lacking, and comparative studies on their contributions to the subsequent cereals are scarce.  In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of NdfR from leguminous and gramineous crops based on 34 observations published worldwide.  In addition, pot experiments were conducted to study the differences in the NdfR amounts, distributions and subsequent effects of two major wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-preceding crops, corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.), by the cotton wick-labelling method in the main wheat-producing areas of China.  The meta-analysis results showed that the NdfR of legumes was significantly greater by 138.93% compared to gramineous crops.  In our pot experiment, the NdfR values from corn and soybean were 502.32 and 944.12 mg/pot, respectively, and soybean was also significantly higher than corn, accounting for 76.91 and 84.15% of the total belowground nitrogen of the plants, respectively.  Moreover, in different soil particle sizes, NdfR was mainly enriched in the large macro-aggregates (>2 mm), followed by the small macro-aggregates (2–0.25 mm).  The amount and proportion of NdfR in the macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm) of soybean were 3.48 and 1.66 times higher than those of corn, respectively, indicating the high utilization potential of soybean NdfR.  Regarding the N accumulation of subsequent wheat, the contribution of soybean NdfR to wheat was approximately 3 times that of corn, accounting for 8.37 and 4.04% of the total N uptake of wheat, respectively.  In conclusion, soybean NdfR is superior to corn in terms of the quantity and distribution ratio of soil macro-aggregates.  In future field production, legume NdfR should be included in the nitrogen pool that can be absorbed and utilized by subsequent crops, and the role and potential of leguminous plants as nitrogen source providers in crop rotation systems should be fully utilized.

  • Plant Protection
    Chengxian Sun, Yaoguo Qin, Julian Chen, Zhengxi Li
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2346-2361.

    Aphids are major insect pests in agriculture and forestry worldwide. Following attacks by natural enemies, many aphids release an alarm pheromone to protect their population. In most aphids, the main component of the aphid alarm pheromone (AAP) is the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon (E)-β-farnesene (EβF). However, the mechanisms behind its biosynthesis and regulation remain poorly understood. In this study, we used the bird cherry–oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, which is an important wheat aphid, to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of EβF biosynthesis. Our results showed that EβF biosynthesis occurs during the mature embryo period and the molting period of the 1st- and 2nd-instar nymphs. Triglycerides provide the prerequisite material for EβF production and release. Based on transcriptome sequencing, RNAi analysis, hormone treatments, and quantitative measurements, we found that the biosynthesis of EβF utilizes acetyl coenzyme A produced from fatty acid degradation, which can be suppressed by juvenile hormone but it is promoted by 20-hydroxyecdysone through the modulation of fatty acid metabolism. This is the first systemic study on the modulation of EβF production in aphids. The results of our study provide insights into the molecular regulatory mechanisms of AAP biosynthesis, as well as valuable information for designing potential aphid control strategies.

  • Agro-ecosystem & Environment
    Wenjie Yang, Jie Yu, Yanhang Li, Bingli Jia, Longgang Jiang, Aijing Yuan, Yue Ma, Ming Huang, Hanbing Cao, Jinshan Liu, Weihong Qiu, Zhaohui Wang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2421-2433.

    The optimized management of crop fertilization is very important for improving crop yield and reducing the consumption of chemical fertilizers. Critical nutrient values can be used for evaluating the nutritional status of a crop, and they reflect the nutrient concentrations above which the plant is sufficiently supplied for achieving the maximum potential yield. Based on on-farm surveys of 504 farmers and 60 field experimental sites in the drylands of China, we proposed a recommended fertilization method to determine nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer input rates for wheat production, and then validated the method by a field experiment at 66 different sites in northern China. The results showed that wheat grain yield varied from 1.1 to 9.2 t ha−1, averaging 4.6 t ha−1, and it had a quadratic relationship with the topsoil (0−20 cm) nitrate N and soil available P contents at harvest. However, yield was not correlated with the inputs of N, P, and K fertilizers. Based on the relationship (exponential decay model) between 95–105% of the relative yield and topsoil nitrate N, available P, and available K contents at wheat harvest from 60 field experiments, the topsoil critical nutrient values were determined as 34.6, 15.6, and 150 mg kg−1 for soil nitrate N, available P, and available K, respectively. Then, based on five groups of relative yield (>125%, 115–125%, 105–115%, 95–105%, and <95%) and the model, the five groups of topsoil critical nutrient levels and fertilization coefficients (Fc) were determined. Finally, we proposed a new method for calculating the recommended fertilizer input rate as: Fr=Gy×Nr×Fc, where Fr is the recommended fertilizer (N/P/K) input rate; Gy is the potential grain yield; Nr is the N(NrN), P(NrP), and K(NrK) nutrient requirements for wheat to produce 1,000 kg of grain; and Fc is a coefficient for N(Nc)/P(Pc)/K(Kc) fertilizer. A 2-year validated experiment confirmed that the new method reduced N fertilizer input by 17.5% (38.5 kg N ha−1) and P fertilizer input by 43.5% (57.5 kg P2O5 ha−1) in northern China and did not reduce the wheat yield. This outcome can significantly increase the farmers’ benefits (by 7.58%, or 139 US$ ha−1).  Therefore, this new recommended fertilization method can be used as a tool to guide N, P, and K fertilizer application rates for dryland wheat production.

  • Crop Science
    Yibo Hu, Feng Qin, Zhen Wu, Xiaoqin Wang, Xiaolong Ren, Zhikuan Jia, Zhenlin Wang, Xiaoguang Chen, Tie Cai
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2211-2226.

    Lodging is still the key factor that limits continuous increases in wheat yields today, because the mechanical strength of culms is reduced due to low-light stress in populations under high-yield cultivation.  The mechanical properties of the culm are mainly determined by lignin, which is affected by the light environment.  However, little is known about whether the light environment can be sufficiently improved by changing the population distribution to inhibit culm lodging.  Therefore, in this study, we used the wheat cultivar “Xinong 979” to establish a low-density homogeneous distribution treatment (LD), high-density homogeneous distribution treatment (HD), and high-density heterogeneous distribution treatment (HD-h) to study the regulatory effects and mechanism responsible for differences in the lodging resistance of wheat culms under different population distributions.  Compared with LD, HD significantly reduced the light transmittance in the middle and basal layers of the canopy, the net photosynthetic rate in the middle and lower leaves of plants, the accumulation of lignin in the culm, and the breaking resistance of the culm, and thus the lodging index values increased significantly, with lodging rates of 67.5% in 2020–2021 and 59.3% in 2021–2022.  Under HD-h, the light transmittance and other indicators in the middle and basal canopy layers were significantly higher than those under HD, and the lodging index decreased to the point that no lodging occurred.  Compared with LD, the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-Lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate: coenzyme A ligase (4CL), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), and cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) in the lignin synthesis pathway were significantly reduced in the culms under HD during the critical period for culm formation, and the relative expression levels of TaPAL, Ta4CL, TaCOMT, and TaCAD were significantly downregulated.  However, the activities of lignin synthesis-related enzymes and their gene expression levels were significantly increased under HD-h compared with HD.  A partial least squares path modeling analysis found significant positive effects between the canopy light environment, the photosynthetic capacity of the middle and lower leaves of plants, lignin synthesis and accumulation, and lodging resistance in the culms.  Thus, under conventional high-density planting, the risk of wheat lodging was significantly higher.  Accordingly, the canopy light environment can be optimized by changing the heterogeneity of the population distribution to improve the photosynthetic capacity of the middle and lower leaves of plants, promote lignin accumulation in the culm, and enhance lodging resistance in wheat.  These findings provide a basis for understanding the mechanism responsible for the lower mechanical strength of the culm under high-yield wheat cultivation, and a theoretical basis and for developing technical measures to enhance lodging resistance.

  • Crop Science
    Bingli Jiang, Wei Gao, Yating Jiang, Shengnan Yan, Jiajia Cao, Litian Zhang, Yue Zhang, Jie Lu, Chuanxi Ma, Cheng Chang, Haiping Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(7): 2164-2177.
    The P-type plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPases (HAs) are crucial for plant development, growth, and defense.  The HAs have been thoroughly characterized in many different plants.  However, despite their importance, the functions of HAs in germination and seed dormancy (SD) have not been validated in wheat.  Here, we identified 28 TaHA genes (TaHA1-28) in common wheat, which were divided into five subfamilies.  An examination of gene expression in strong- and weak-SD wheat varieties led to the discovery of six candidate genes (TaHA7/-12/-14/-16/-18/-20).  Based on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation (C/T) in the TaHA7 coding region, a CAPS marker (HA7) was developed and validated in 168 wheat varieties and 171 Chinese mini-core collections that exhibit diverse germination and SD phenotypes.  We further verified the roles of the two allelic variations of TaHA7 in germination and SD using wheat mutants mutagenized with ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) in ‘Jimai 22’ and ‘Jing 411’ backgrounds, and in transgenic Arabidopsis lines.  TaHA7 appears to regulate germination and SD by mediating gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) signaling, metabolism, and biosynthesis.  The results presented here will enable future research regarding the TaHAs in wheat.

    WANGYunYun, LIYiNian, CHENYuLun, DINGQiShuo, HERuiYin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(12): 2322-2335.

    【Objective】 Wheat grain phenotype parameters were tested after grains only must been threshed by combine, this process was time-consuming, laborious and complicate. Therefore, a method to test morphological parameters of wheat grains on spike based on improved Mask R-CNN was proposed in this research.【Method】Two sides front images of three varieties wheat spikes, including Zhenmai 25, Ningmai 13 and Longmai 88 (Early maturity variety), were collected, and then the image enhancement data set was constructed by using Gaussian filter, salt and pepper noise, and vertical flip image enhancement method. A method combined with deep learning and morphological processing for testing phenotype parameters of wheat grains on spike was proposed. Firstly, the improved Mask R-CNN network model for segmenting spike glume was constructed, which was based on feature extraction networks of ResNet and FNP, and the innovative components Coordinate Attention (CA) module, Aggregation module, and Halfconv module were integrated into it. And the glumes on spike image were accurately detected, located, segmented and counted by the improved Mask R-CNN network model. Secondly, five phenotype parameters of the glumes on spike were extracted by using morphologic processing method from the segmented mask image of wheat spike glume, and the linear correlation equations between the phenotype parameters of the glumes and the phenotype parameters of grains were established. Finally, the linear correlation equations between the phenotype parameters of glume and the phenotypic parameters of grain were used to predict the phenotype parameters of grain.【Result】(1) F1 score, average precision (AP) and recall rate of the optimal model for separating spike glume based on the improved Mask R-CNN network model were 91.12%, 94.13% and 88.30%, respectively, and the average consuming time for detecting a single image was 97 milliseconds, so the improved Mask R-CNN network model could quickly and accurately identify the glumes on the single wheat spike. The root-mean-square error and average relative error for segmenting spike grain by the model were 0.94 piece and 0.65%, respectively, so this showed that spike glumes were segmented precisely by the model. (2) The established linear correlation equations for length, thickness, area, circumference, and length-thickness ratio between wheat spike glume and actual grain were y=0.7258x, y=0.5166x, y=0.3748x, y=0.6756x and y=1.4085x, respectively, and the determination coefficient (R2) of the linear correlation equations all were greater than 0.85. (3) The above correlation equations were verified and phenotype parameters of grain were predicted by using the extracted phenotype parameter data of wheat spike glume, the root-mean-square errors and average relative error for length, thickness, area, circumference and length-thickness ratio between predicted values and actual values of wheat grains were 0.17 mm, 0.08 mm, 0.46 mm2, 0.33 mm, 0.12, and 0.02%, 0.02%, 0.02%, 0.03%, respectively. The determination coefficient (R2) for each phenotype parameter between the predicted data and the actual data was above 0.85, research results indicated that the proposed method in this study was feasible【Conclusion】 The method for testing phenotype parameters of wheat grains on spike based on improved Mask R-CNN was proposed in this research, and the phenotype parameters of wheat grain on spike could be predicted accurately and effectively by the phenotype parameters of wheat spike glume. This research provided a new method to extract rapidly and simply wheat grain phenotype parameters on spike.

  • WANGJun, HUYinghua, WANGXianghui, ZHANGLi
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(18): 135-139.

    In order to explore the effective control methods for wheat crown rot, Bacillus amyloliquefacien(≥100 million cfu/g) AS, 5% mepiquat chloride AS and thifluzamide (240g/L) SC were selected to control the disease in this study. The results showed that the combination of the three agents increased the four evaluation indexes and reduced diseased plants in seeding stage. The combinations also significantly reduced the incidence speed in jointing stage, the treatment 6 was the best and the diseased stem rate was 20.00%. The results of the survey during the seed filling stage showed that the three combinations could control the spread of wheat crown rot and the diseased stem rate was 23.33%-24.44%, the control efficiency was more than 75%. The combinations of the three agents increased the yield rate by more than 21.23%. The result showed that the combinations of the three agents could control the wheat crown rot and increase the wheat yield, which could be popularized in the future.

  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(18): 18-29.
    为解决中国黄淮海地区小麦播种质量差的问题,该研究设计了一种能够构建优质种床结构的种沟镇压播种装置,利用挡板提高种沟的平整性,种子下落到种沟后镇压轮对种床进行镇压,让种子与土壤紧密接触,为种子建立上松下紧的种床环境。对种沟镇压装置受力情况与种沟形成原理进行分析,结合具体农艺需求,确定种沟镇压播种装置的主要参数取值范围:弹簧工作形变量30~70 mm,镇压轮相对高度10~50 mm,挡板相对高度0~100 mm。以播深合格率、播种深度稳定性系数、种沟坚实度为指标,利用Box-Behnken响应面设计建立种沟镇压播种装置关键参数的二次多项回归模型,得到种沟镇压播种装置最佳作业效果的参数:挡板相对高度56.6 mm、镇压轮相对高度22.4 mm、弹簧工作形变量48.2 mm。在最佳参数条件下与覆土镇压装置进行性能对比试验,结果表明,种沟镇压装置的播深变异系数比传统覆土镇压装置降低63.6%,50~100 mm深度土层土壤坚实度提高47 kPa,种沟平整度提高63%。研究结果可为中国黄淮海地区小麦播种提供装备支持和技术参考。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(18): 82-91.
    为了探索黄淮海小麦生产适宜的耕作模式,该研究设计长期定位试验(2017—2022年)对比了简化耕作模式深耕(deep tillage,DT)、轮耕(rotational tillage,RT)和免耕(no-tillage,NT)对冬小麦产量和土壤水肥状况的影响。结果表明:RT处理显著提高了冬小麦苗期0~20 cm土层土壤水分吸收利用情况,冬小麦孕穗期、灌浆期RT处理0~20、>20~40 cm土层土壤含水量显著高于DT、NT处理。RT处理0~20、>20~40 cm土壤全氮、有机质含量和碳氮比含量较DT、NT处理显著提高,2021—2022年0~20 cm土壤全氮、有机质含量、碳氮比RT处理较DT和NT处理分别显著提高40.45%和31.58%、56.66%和45.34%、11.62%和9.91%。2020—2021年和2021—2022年RT处理冬小麦产量较DT、NT处理分别显著提高20.20%、13.39%和20.35%、18.74%。RT处理显著增加了冬小麦千粒质量,其产量变异系数最低,产量可持续指数最高,说明RT处理有助于增加冬小麦生产力稳定性和可持续性,可以实现黄淮海冬小麦高产稳产。研究可为黄淮海平原冬小麦生产应用一年深耕、两年免耕的轮耕耕作模式提供理论指导与技术支撑。
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(01): 58-59.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(01): 65-66.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(01): 22-23.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(01): 20-21.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(01): 67-68.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(02): 50-51.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(02): 66-67.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(02): 70-71.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 18-19.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 91-92.
    小麦浅埋式滴灌栽培技术是在小麦田铺设浅埋1.5~2.0 cm的滴灌带,根据小麦生长规律,满足小麦不同生长期的水肥需求。该文根据博兴县生产实际,总结了播前准备、选择良种、种子处理、铺设滴灌带、适时播种、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时收获等种植技术要点,以期有效提高水资源利用率,减少化肥用量,实现小麦优质高产。
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 20-21.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 95-96.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 93-94.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 56-57.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(04): 22-23.
    小麦是主要粮食作物之一,其产量与品质会受不同氮肥及其施用量的影响。该研究设置了3种不同氮肥与3种不同施用量,分析9个处理的小麦产量和品质。结果表明,小麦穗数受不同氮肥类型影响,施用酰胺态氮的小麦穗数相对较高;千粒质量受施肥量影响,施用量为10 kg/亩时千粒质量较高;不同处理穗粒质量差异不大;小麦品质各参数均受不同氮肥类型及其施用量影响,均以酰胺态氮施用量为15 kg/亩时为佳。
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(05): 55-58.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(05): 23-24.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 33-34.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 79-80.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 81-82.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 77-78.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 75-76.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(08): 64-65.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(08): 79-80.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2019, 1(02): 19-31.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2020, 2(03): 75-83.
  • J Agric Big Data. 2021, 3(03): 13-22.
    作物生长模型是评估作物生产、资源利用及气候变化影响等的有效工具,准确地确定作物模型参数是应用模型的关键。WheatSM (Wheat Growth and Development Simulation Model)模型已在作物生产优化管理上得到一定的应用,并取得较好的效果,但由于该模型参数较多,模型参数调试复杂。为了快速、准确地确定WheatSM模型参数,简化该模型的调参工作,促进其在农业气象领域中广泛应用,本研究在国内外作物模型参数自动调节方法的基础上,基于PEST (Parameter Estimation)方法构建了WheatSM模型参数的自动调节耦合系统,并对WheatSM模型的发育期和产量参数进行了自动寻优。选择北京上庄作为代表性试验点,以试验点的气象数据、土壤数据和2014~2016年冬小麦不同播期试验数据为基础,应用PEST参数自动优化方法和试错法分别对小麦生长模型WheatSM发育期参数和产量参数进行调试,并将优化结果和试错法的模拟结果进行比较。研究结果表明,基于PEST方法的模型参数调节精准度较高,模拟发育期的误差不大于7天,模拟产量的误差不大于228.63kg·hm-2。同时,与试错法相比,PEST方法具有耗时少、可同时批量处理数据、更高效快捷等优点,使用该自动调参系统可减少参数率定的工作量,节省模型的操作时间,简化工作的复杂度和获得较高的模拟精度。该研究为WheatSM模型参数的自动优化提供一种便捷方法,为提高作物模型参数调试的效率和准确性提供了理论参考和指导。
