Triticum aestivum L.
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  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 56-68.
    针对西北地区干旱以及不合理的施氮和种植密度导致的冬小麦产量和水氮利用效率偏低的问题,探究垄膜沟播模式下冬小麦高产和水氮高效利用的最优氮肥密度管理措施。试验设置150 kg/hm~2(D1)、187.5 kg/hm~2(D2)、225 kg/hm~2(D3)3个密度梯度和180 kg/hm~2(N1)、270 kg/hm~2(N2)、360 kg/hm~2(N3)3个施氮水平(以N计),通过2 a(2021—2022年和2022—2023年)田间试验,研究氮密互作对冬小麦生理生长、干物质累积、产量、水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)和氮利用效率(nitrogen partial factor productivity,NPFP)的影响。结果表明:与当地常规氮密处理(D1N3)相比,合理增大种植密度和减少施氮量可使提高抽穗期LAI,使最大干物质累积量和累积速率分别增大147.25%和65.29%。2 a产量均在D2N2处理达到最大,平均值11 911.93 kg·/hm~2,但2 a WUE分别在D2N2和D2N3达到最高,NPFP分别在D2N2和D3N1处理最高。通过拟合分析,2021—2022年冬小麦产量、WUE和NPFP达到最大值时所对应的种植密度与施氮量分别为195.92和260.82 kg/hm~2、200.51和249.80 kg/hm~2、195.92和187.35 kg/hm~2,2022—2023年分别为195.92和257.14 kg/hm~2、194.39和286.53 kg/hm~2、197.45和183.67 kg/hm~2。基于回归模型对产量、WUE和NPFP进行综合评价,最终确定种植密度180.45~190.04 kg/hm~2、施氮量201.66~256.67 kg/hm~2的组合模式为垄膜沟播冬小麦高产和水氮高效利用的氮密管理措施。研究结果可为西北地区冬小麦的高产高效栽培提供理论依据。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 144-152.
    为探索气候变化对甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植区划的影响,科学合理地调整春小麦种植格局。该研究以甘肃农牧交错带30个气象站点1971—2020年的气温和降水时序数据为基础,用BP神经网络对异常和缺失数据进行了插补,依据春小麦生长关键期和整个生育期对光、热和水的需求选取了年均温(温度因子)、年均降水量(水分因子)和≥0℃积温(热量因子)作为春小麦种植适宜性区划指标。采用线性倾向率法、累计距平法及Mann-Kendall突变检验法对3个区划指标进行了时间变化特征分析及突变检验,运用ArcGIS技术对区划指标进行了空间分析。结果表明:研究区多年年均温为6.84℃,年均温以0.56℃/10 a的速率增加,增温趋势明显,于1998年发生突变;年降水量以6.10 mm/10 a的速率呈略微增加趋势,1980年发生突变;≥0℃积温以155.41℃/10 a的速率呈显著升温趋势,≥0℃积温没有发生突变现象。从空间分布来看,年均温和≥0℃积温呈现出西部地区气温低,其他地区气温高的空间格局,而年均温倾向率和≥0℃积温倾向率则呈现出由西向东、由北向南逐步递增的变化趋势;年降水量表现为由南向北逐步递减的空间分布格局,而年降水量倾向率则呈现出自南向北逐步递增的趋势。气候变化导致甘肃农牧交错带春小麦可种植区海拔提升了565 m,使适宜春小麦种植的范围显著扩大,空间上向南、西扩展,总面积增加到1.66×10~6 hm~2,比1998年前增加了8.10×10~4 hm~2,占总耕地面积的5.06%,其中最适宜区范围扩大最为显著,增加了24.44个百分点。同时,春小麦种植适宜程度区划的区域分配呈现出明显的差异性,1998年后甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植最适宜区耕地面积较1998年前增加了4.18×10~5 hm~2,适宜区缩小了2.20×10~5 hm~2,次适宜区缩小了1.17×10~5 hm~2,不适宜区缩小了6.80×10~4 hm~2。研究结果可为气候变化背景下甘肃农牧交错带春小麦种植结构的优化调整提供科学依据,有助于区域决策,制定合理利用气候资源的策略,以促进甘肃农牧交错带农业可持续发展和春小麦高产优质。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(23): 1-13.
    为提高小麦氮素监测领域研究的科学性、精准性、交叉性和前沿性,该文通过可视化分析探寻领域研究现状和内容演变,以期了解最新研究动态和未来发展方向。利用文献计量学方法,借助VOSviewer、HistCite等工具,挖掘1990—2022年间发文趋势、学科领域、国家、机构、期刊和高被引论文、研究热点、主题演变等,并对学科交叉和文献集中度等进行分析。对检索得到的14 091篇有效文献研究发现,全球发文量总体呈上升趋势,中国是近年来发展最快的国家,累计发文量达3 300篇,以23.42%的占比位居全球第一,但在本地引文次数和总被引次数方面还有待提升。小麦氮素监测领域从原先以农学、植物科学为代表的单一学科引领,逐步向农学、植物科学、环境科学与生态学、化学、计算机科学、遥感等多学科交叉融合转变;研究热点从早期的氮素营养、氮素循环、光合作用等单一生理过程解析,逐步向遥感监测、作物模型、生长模拟等数字农业方向演变,形成了以中国和美国为代表的全球两大主要研究节点。全球发文量前十作者中有6人来自中国,全球发文量前十机构中国占据6席,中国在高被引论文4项指标中均位居前列。随着时间的推移,研究人员的团队性和国际化合作倾向越发明显,中国与全球发文量前十国家的合作发文量占比为31.48%,且与不同国家合作重点不尽相同。农学类期刊是该领域主要发文刊物,其中以《Field Crops Research》最具代表性。结果表明,小麦氮素监测领域学科交叉态势已日渐显现,国家、机构、作者等文献集中度日趋明显,研究热点及领域发展趋势越发清晰,未来,跨国别、跨学科、跨团队的深度合作将带来更大、更深远的发展契机。
  • FANGShuqin, BUAiai, HUJuanxin, WULinzhe, YEZhengqian, FANGXianzhi
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(21): 1-7.

    Through pot experiments, the effects of single application of lime based conditioners and combined application of biochar on the physical and chemical properties of fallow soil, and the growth and nutrient absorption of wheat seedlings were investigated, aiming to provide references for rapidly reducing acidity, improving quality, and enhancing crop yield in refarmed acidified soil. The results showed that compared with the control (without the application of conditioner), the application of conditioners in acidic soil (pH 5.35) increased the soil alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium content, with increases of 0.15%-7.93%, 2.38%-8.34% and 6.68%-21.33%, respectively. It also increased the fresh and dry root weight of wheat on acidic soil, with increases of 2.78%-15.63%, 1.14%-15.23%, respectively. The total root length, root volume and total surface area of single application of limestone powder increased 10.75%, 13.65% and 11.98% compared to CK. The application of lime conditioner alone and combined with biochar increased the total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total potassium content in the above-ground wheat, with increases of 2.78%-12.92%, 2.27%-7.70% and 5.37%-9.44%, respectively. The increase in total nitrogen and total phosphorus content in wheat roots ranged from 18.82%-24.27%, 12.24%-22.37%, respectively. The application of biochar alone had a promoting effect on soil alkaline nitrogen and available potassium content; the combination of lime based conditioners and biochar could promote the increase of soil available phosphorus content, wheat biomass, and soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients.

  • WUYingjie, ZHUYongchao, KONGXiangning
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(32): 129-134.

    The rapid and real-time acquisition of soil moisture in a large range can provide powerful data support for dealing with drought. In this paper, three drought index models, namely perpendicular drought index (PDI), modified perpendicular drought index (MPDI) and temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI), were constructed to discuss the accuracy and applicability of soil moisture inversion in the winter wheat planting area in Dingxing and Yixian of Hebei based on multi-spectral remote sensing data Landsat-8 and field measured soil moisture data. Three drought index models indicated that the study area was dry, and the spatial distribution of different drought indices was different, among which the difference between PDI and the other two drought indices was the biggest. All the three drought indices were negatively correlated with measured soil moisture, and MPDI, TVDI had obvious linear correlation with soil moisture. MPDI had the highest fitting degree and was used to invert the soil moisture. The inversion results showed that the soil moisture in the study area was relatively low, mainly ranging from 12% to 15%, and the spatial distribution characteristics of soil moisture were consistent with that of land cover. Our study indicated that the MPDI index had great potential for drought monitoring in the winter wheat planting area in winter.

  • HUOJin, YUHuiqiao, ZHANGShiming, HUANGJiujun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(32): 135-142.

    It is of great significance to grasp the occurrence and development law of wheat dry hot wind disaster and take targeted defensive measures to ensure food security. According to the meteorological industry standard of wheat dry-hot wind, using the daily meteorological observation data of 9 national meteorological stations and 114 regional automatic stations in agricultural areas in Bazhou from May to June from 1981 to 2023, the data of wheat development period and geographical basic information of agricultural meteorological observation stations, combined with ArcGIS10.8 technical mapping, the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of wheat dry-hot wind days and processes in Bazhou were analyzed, and the risk zoning and evaluation were carried out. The results showed that the number of dry hot wind days and weather process showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing slowly, and then increasing obviously after decreasing slowly. The trend tendency rate was 2.2 d/10a and 1.2 meta/10 a, respectively in recent 43 years. In the 1980s, the decrease was more obvious, in the 1990s and 2010s, it showed an increasing trend, and after 2011, it increased significantly, which had the characteristics of time stages, and 2017 and 2022 were the years of high dry hot wind. From the proportion of three different degrees of dry-hot wind, the number of days and processes of light dry-hot wind are the most, and the trend of light process is significant; the number and process of medium and heavy dry-hot wind days did not change significantly. The number of dry hot wind days and the number of dry hot wind weather processes are similar in spatial distribution, that is, the desert oasis area in the southeast margin of the Taklimakan Desert is frequent and high occurrence area, the Bosten Lake waters and Yanqi Basin are less occurrence area, and other areas are secondary occurrence area, showing the spatial distribution characteristics of ‘more in the southeast and less in the northeast’ with obvious regionalism. The risk zoning results are divided into four levels of dry hot wind risk areas: heavy, heavier, moderate and mild (no), which can provide reference for disaster prevention in different risk planting areas.

  • Xiaolan Yu, Fangmin Zhang, Yanqiu Fang, Xiaohan Zhao, Kaidi Zhang, Yanyu Lu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(12): 0.
    To understand the CH4 flux variations and their climatic drivers in the rice-wheat agroecosystem in the Huai River Basin of China, the CH4 flux was observed by using open-path eddy covariance at a typical rice-wheat rotation system in Anhui Province from November 2019 to October 2021. The variations and their drivers were then analyzed with the Akaike information criterion method. CH4 flux showed distinct diurnal variations with single peaks during 9:00~13:00 local time. The highest peak was 2.15 µg m-2 s-1 which occurred at 11:00 in the vegetative growth stage in the rice growing season (RGS). CH4 flux also showed significant seasonal variations. The average CH4 flux in the vegetative growth stage in the RGS (193.8±74.2 mg m-2 d-1) was the highest among all growth stages. The annual total CH4 flux in the non-rice growing season (3.2 g m-2, 11.8%) was relatively small compared to that in the RGS (23.9 g m-2, 88.2%). CH4 flux increased significantly with increase in air temperature, soil temperature, and soil water content in both the RGS and the non-RGS, while it decreased significantly with increase in vapor pressure deficit in the RGS. This study provided a comprehensive understanding of the CH4 flux and its drivers in the rice-wheat rotation agroecosystem in the Huai River Basin of China. In addition, our findings will be helpful for the validation and adjustment of the CH4 models in this region.
  • Junming Liu, Zhuanyun Si, Shuang Li, Lifeng Wu, Yingying Zhang, Xiaolei Wu, Hui Cao, Yang Gao, Aiwang Duan
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(12): 0.

    A high-efficiency mode of high-low seedbed cultivation (HLSC) has been listed as the main agricultural technology to increase land utilization ratio and grain yield in Shandong province, China.  However, little information is available on the optimized water and nitrogen management for yield formation, especially the grain filling process, under HLSC mode.  A three-year field experiment with four nitrogen rates and three irrigation rates of HLSC was conducted to reveal the response of grain-filling parameters, grain weight percentage of spike weight (GPS), spike moisture content (SMC), and yield of winter wheat to water and nitrogen rates.  The four nitrogen rates were N1 (360 kg ha-1 pure N), N2 (300 kg ha-1 pure N), N3 (240 kg ha-1 pure N), and N4 (180 kg ha-1 pure N), and three irrigation quotas were W1 (120 mm), W2 (90 mm) and W3 (60 mm).  Results showed that the determinate growth function generally performed well in simulating the temporal dynamics of grain weight (0.989<R2<0.999, where R2 is the determination coefficient).  The occurrence time of maximum filling rate (Tmax) and active grain-filling period (AGP) increased with the increase in the water or nitrogen rate, whereas the average grain filling rate (Gmean) had a decreasing trend.  The final thousand-grain weight (FTGW) increased and then decreased with the increase in the nitrogen rates and increased with the increase in the irrigation rates.  The GPS and SMC had a highly significant quadratic polynomial relationship with grain weight and days after anthesis.  Nitrogen, irrigation, and year exerted highly significant effects on the Tmax, AGP, Gmean, and FTGW.  Particularly, the AGP and FTGW were insignificantly different between high seedbed (HLSC-H) and low seedbed (HLSC-L) across the water and nitrogen levels.  Moreover, the moderate water and nitrogen supply was more beneficial for grain yield as well as spike number and grain number per hectare.  The principal component analysis indicated that the combination of 240-300 kg N ha-1 and 90-120 mm irrigation quota could improve grain filling efficiency and grain yield for the HLSC-cultivated winter wheat. 

  • Technology and Method
    LIURuixuan, ZHANGFangzhao, ZHANGJibo, LIZhenhai, YANGJuntao
    Smart Agriculture. 2024, 6(5): 51-60.

    [Objective] Acurately determining the suitable sowing date for winter wheat is of great significance for improving wheat yield and ensuring national food security. Traditional visual interpretation method is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also covers a relatively small area. Remote sensing monitoring, belongs to post-event monitoring, exhibits a time lag. The aim of this research is to use the temperature threshold method and accumulated thermal time requirements for wheat leaves appearance method to analyze the suitable sowing date for winter wheat in county-level towns under the influence of long-term sequence of climate warming. [Methods] The research area were various townships in Qihe county, Shandong province. Based on European centre for medium-range weather forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data from 1997 to 2022, 16 meteorological data grid points in Qihe county were selected. Firstly, the bilinear interpolation method was used to interpolate the temperature data of grid points into the approximate center points of each township in Qihe county, and the daily average temperatures for each township were obtained. Then, temperature threshold method was used to determine the final dates of stable passage through 18, 16, 14 and 0 ℃. Key sowing date indicators such as suitable sowing temperature for different wheat varieties, growing degree days (GDD)≥0 ℃ from different sowing dates to before overwintering, and daily average temperature over the years were used for statistical analysis of the suitable sowing date for winter wheat. Secondly, the accumulated thermal time requirements for wheat leaves appearance method was used to calculate the appropriate date of GDD for strong seedlings before winter by moving forward from the stable date of dropping to 0 ℃. Accumulating the daily average temperatures above 0 ℃ to the date when the GDD above 0 ℃ was required for the formation of strong seedlings of wheat, a range of ±3 days around this calculated date was considered the theoretical suitable sowing date. Finally, combined with actual production practices, the appropriate sowing date of winter wheat in various townships of Qihe county was determined under the trend of climate warming. [Results and Discussions] The results showed that, from November 1997 to early December 2022, winter and annual average temperatures in Qihe county had all shown an upward trend, and there was indeed a clear trend of climate warming in various townships of Qihe county. Judging from the daily average temperature over the years, the temperature fluctuation range in November was the largest in a year, with a maximum standard deviation was 2.61 ℃. This suggested a higher likelihood of extreme weather conditions in November. Therefore, it was necessary to take corresponding measures to prevent and reduce disasters in advance to avoid affecting the growth and development of wheat. In extreme weather conditions, it was limited to determine the sowing date only by temperature or GDD. In cold winter years, it was too one-sided to consider only from the perspective of GDD. It was necessary to expand the range of GDD required for winter wheat before overwintering based on temperature changes to ensure the normal growth and development of winter wheat. The suitable sowing date for semi winter wheat obtained by temperature threshold method was from October 4th to October 16th, and the suitable sowing date for winter wheat was from September 27th to October 4th. Taking into account the GDD required for the formation of strong seedlings before winter, the suitable sowing date for winter wheat was from October 3rd to October 13th, and the suitable sowing date for semi winter wheat was from October 15th to October 24th, which was consisted with the suitable sowing date for winter wheat determined by the accumulated thermal time requirements for wheat leaves appearance method. Considering the winter wheat varieties planted in Qihe county, the optimal sowing date for winter wheat in Qihe county was from October 3rd to October 16th, and the optimal sowing date was from October 5th to October 13th. With the gradual warming of the climate, the suitable sowing date for wheat in various townships of Qihe county in 2022 was later than that in 2002. However, the sowing date for winter wheat was still influenced by factors such as soil moisture, topography, and seeding quality. The suitable sowing date for a specific year still needed to be adjusted to local conditions and flexibly sown based on the specific situation of that year. [Conclusions] The experimental results proved the feasibility of the temperature threshold method and accumulated thermal time requirements for wheat leaves appearance method in determining the suitable sowing date for winter wheat. The temperature trend can be used to identify cold or warm winters, and the sowing date can be adjusted in a timely manner to enhance wheat yield and reduce the impact of excessively high or low temperatures on winter wheat. The research results can not only provide decision-making reference for winter wheat yield assessment in Qihe county, but also provide an important theoretical basis for scientifically arrangement of agricultural production.

  • YAOYoumei
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(20): 81-84.

    The occurrence of weeds in wheat field after rice, the causes of weed damage were summarized and analyzed, and comprehensive control measures was proposed. The occurrence of weeds in wheat field after rice was relatively high, and the grass phase was complex. Poaceae weeds and broad-leaved weeds coexist, and weeds compete with wheat for light, water, and fertilizer, which had a significant impact on the yield and quality of rice stubble wheat. The factors that affected the occurrence of weeds in wheat field after rice include planting systems, straw returning, and control measures. The methods of combining agricultural measures (improving farmland quality, changing planting structure, and improving field management) with chemical control (closed weeding, stem and leaf control, and post spring supplementary control) was adopted to prevent and control weeds in wheat fields. Scientific weeding plans were proposed for different types of fields, and the closed weeding and stem and leaf removal (“one closed, one weeding”) plan was adopted to solve most of the weeds in the fields. Special fields can adopt the 1 closed weeding and 2 stem and leaf removal (“one closed, two weeding”) plan. The research results provide references for promoting the healthy development of wheat after rice production and improving the planting efficiency of wheat after rice.

  • Research Articles
    WANG Changbiao,YIN Yurong,CHENG Ze,REN Yongkang,NIU Yuqi,LIU Jiang,HAN Bin,YANG Sheng,TANG Chaohui
    The type-B authentic response regulator (B-ARR) family members are positive regulators in cytokinin signal transduction, and play important roles in plant growth and development and resistance to abiotic stresses. However, there are few studies on the B-ARR gene family in wheat. In this study, 25 B-ARR gene family members were identified from wheat genome, and their physicochemical properties, gene structure, cis-acting elements and abiotic stress-induced expression patterns were analyzed by bioinformatics methods. The results showed that all B-ARR proteins were localized in the nucleus based on bioinformatics prediction, and their secondary structure was mainly consisting of α-helix and random crimp. B-ARR genes were not evenly distributed on wheat chromosomes, and the number of B-ARR genes was the highest on chromosome 7. In addition, multiple cis-acting regulatory elements related to growth and development, hormone response, and biological and abiotic stress have been identified in the promoter regions. RT-qPCR analysis showed that the relative expression of TaARRM-like9TaARRM-like10TaARRM-like12 and TaARRM-like13 were significantly up-regulated under abiotic stresses treatments, including drought, salt and low temperature. This study laid a foundation for further research on the role of B-ARR transcription factor in wheat development and abiotic stress response.
  • Research Articles
    GONG Chengru,YUAN Yuhao,LIU Zhen,ZHENG Jizhou,TIAN Zhicheng,LIU Shengli,SHEN Qinghua,HUANG Zhenpu,DONG Chunhao,GAO Yan,LI Qiaoyun,TANG Jianwei,JIAO Zhuqing,YIN Guihong
    This study aims to identify the pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat germplasm resources and molecular markers for marker-assisted selection, ultimately obtaining excellent white grain wheat germplasm resources applicable in wheat breeding. These spikes of 222 wheat germplasm resources were tested for pre-harvest sprouting resistance, and the functional markers of eight anti-pre-harvest sprouting genes, including myb10DDFR-BVp1B3PM19-A1MFT-3AMFT-A2MKK3-AQSD1, were used for genotyping. Phenotypic identification results showed that there were significant differences in the relative sprouting percentage of 222 wheat germplasm resources. The relative sprouting percentage ranged from 0 to 1.15, and the average relative sprouting percentage was 0.73. 38 wheat materials were identified to be resistant to pre-harvest sprouting, including 9 white wheat, 27 red wheat and 2 black wheat. Correlation analysis between allele types and relative sprouting percentage showed that the relative sprouting percentage was significantly correlated with functional markers myb10DDFR-BVp1B3MFT-3A and MFT-A2, but not with PM19-A1MKK3-A and QSD1. These results indicated that molecular markers myb10DDFR-BVp1B3MFT-3A and MFT-A2 could be used for detection of pre-harvest sprouting resistance and marker-assisted breeding. Based on the phenotype and genotype results, nine white wheat germplasm resources with pre-harvest sprouting resistance were selected, including Yunong 914, Yunong 946, Fengdecunmai 30, Fangmai 5, Xumai 029, Lianmai 1901, Baofeng 1903, Zhengmai 829 and 13wang27-8, which could be used for genetic breeding and layout of wheat varieties with pre-harvest sprouting resistance.
  • Research Articles
    PAN Liyuan,WANG Yongjun,LI Haijun,HOU Fu,LI Jing,LI Lili,SUN Suyang
    Wheat pre-harvest sprouting significantly reduces yield production and flour quality. It has been gradually aggravated in recent years, and destabilize the safety of wheat production in China, particularly in the Huanghuai region. Identification of pre-harvest sprouting resistant germplasm and functional molecular markers are of importance to accelerate pre-harvest sprouting resistant breeding. In this study, 77 pre-harvest sprouting resistant germplasms observed from field experiments and 128 advanced breeding lines from a rotational population introduced with six resistant germplasms were used. These genotypes were tested for pre-harvest sprouting resistance using the whole-split germination and seed germination methods, as well as genotyped by functional markers Vp1B3Dorm-B1, and PM19. 49.35% (38 of 77) of germplasm resources showed intermediate resistance, and 57.90%(22) of them contained functional resistance alleles of Vp1Ba or(and) Dorm-B1b. The germplasm resources Xinong 172, Kalango, Huaimai 40 and Yunong 186 were detected carrying both two functional alleles. 36.72% (47) of the advanced breeding lines showed intermediate resistance, of which 87.23% contained resistance alleles and 17.02% (8) contained two functional alleles. Stacking resistance loci can increase the level of pre-harvest sprouting resistance. In the germplasm resources, the whole-split germination and seed germination decreased from 36.65% and 34.99% in non-resistant individuals, respectively, to 18.17 % and 23.87 % in individuals with two resistance loci. The same pattern has been observed in advanced lines. There was a significant difference in the number of resistant loci between advanced materials and others. Among them, 17.02% of the materials with medium resistance level contained two resistance loci, while only 4.94% of the other materials without medium resistance level contained two resistance loci. This study deployed molecular markers and phenotypic characterization techniques to identify pre-harvest sprouting resistance germplasm, followed by germplasm innovation using dwarf failing rotation selection, which provided a basis for future improvement of wheat spike germination resistance in the Huanghuai region in China.
    LUO JiangTao, ZHENG JianMin, DENG QingYan, LIU PeiXun, PU ZongJun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(20): 3945-3956.

    【Objective】Analyzing the yield and yield related traits of Sichuan wheat varieties from 2000 to 2020, providing reference for genetic improvement of yield in Sichuan wheat varieties. 【Method】From 2019 to 2022, a community trial design was used to measure the yield and related traits of 145 wheat varieties in Sichuan Province since 2001 to 2016, as well as 60 high-yield wheat varieties (Varieties with top yields in regional trials in Sichuan Province over the years) since 2000 to 2020. This data was used to analyze the trend of yield and yield related trait changes in Sichuan wheat cultivars cultivated from 2000 to 2020. 【Result】145 Sichuan wheat varieties from 2001 to 2016 have an average annual genetic gain of 37.20 kg·hm-2 or 0.66% in yield. Grain number per spike and effective spike number per unit area showed an increasing trend, while thousand grain weight and plant height showed a decreasing trend. Correlation analysis showed that effective spike number per unit area was positively correlated with yield. Path analysis showed that the continuous increase of effective spike number per unit area (annual increase 0.42×104/hm2 or 0.13%) was the main factor for the increase of yield potential of high-yielding varieties. The average annual yield genetic gain of 60 high-yield wheat varieties from 2000 to 2020 was 61.10 kg·hm-2 or 0.89%, the effective spike number per unit area showed an increasing trend, the plant height showed a decreasing trend, and the grain number per spike and thousand grain weight had almost no change. Correlation analysis shows that there was a significant positive correlation between yield and the number of effective ears per unit area. Path analysis showed that the continuous increase in effective spike number per unit area (with an average annual increase of 1.80×104/hm2 or 0.51%) was also a major factor in improving the yield potential of 60 high-yield wheat varieties in Sichuan from 2000 to 2020. 【Conclusion】The improvement and breeding of wheat yield heritage in Sichuan Province has made some progress, especially the improvement effect of high yield breeding is remarkable, and the yield level of wheat varieties in Sichuan Province is gradually increasing. The continuous increase in effective ears per unit area was the main factor for improving the yield potential of Sichuan wheat varieties. High grain number per spike and thousand grain weight are important foundations for high yield in Sichuan wheat, but their genetic improvement is in a bottleneck period. Increasing the effective spike number per unit area is the key to furtherly improve the yield of wheat in Sichuan.

  • LIYongli, CHENLei, ZHOUZhou, GENGShubao, QIAOLi, ZHANGFangmei, CHENLijun, WANGLijuan
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(30): 128-134.

    The control effects of Streptomyces costaricanus strain A-m1 on wheat scab were studied in order to lay a foundation for the development of biocontrol agents for wheat production. The effects of A-m1 on spore germination and mycelial growth of wheat scab pathogen were determined, the genetic and enzymatic basis of the bacteriostatic effect of strain A-m1 was analyzed, and the control effect of spraying A-m1 bacterial liquid at flowering stage and applying A-m1 solid bacterial fertilizer at sowing stage on wheat scab was explored. The findings revealed that strain A-m1 exerted a potent inhibitory influence on both the conidial germination and mycelial expansion of Fusarium graminearum. The genomic of A-m1 encoded genes for the synthesis of streptomycin and tetracycline antibiotics, as well as genes such as casein, β-1, 3-glucanase, cellulase, and chitinase. They had the effect of inhibiting or decomposing pathogenic bacteria, and further biochemical analysis verified the secretion of the four enzymes. Spraying A-m1 fermentation broth at wheat flowering stage had a control effect of 52.28 % on wheat scab, a level of efficacy comparable to that of a 1000-fold dilution of 80% carbendazim solution. The application of A-m1 bacterial fertilizer substituting a portion of the traditional compound fertilizer at the sowing stage, led to a marked increase in the activity of defense enzymes, including polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, catalase, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase. At the same time, the content of malondialdehyde was lower, and the control effect on wheat scab was 57.18 %. In this study, the control effect of strain A-m1 on wheat scab was clarified, and the underlying mechanisms of its protective action had been partially dissected. Field experiments also confirmed the control effect of A-m1 fermentation broth spraying and strain A-m1 bacterial fertilizer application on wheat scab during sowing period, which laid a good foundation for the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in wheat production.

  • XUEZhiwei, GAOFeng, HUANGQingqing, YANGChunling
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(30): 48-54.

    Winter wheat is one of the main food crops in China. The enrichment characteristics and potential risks of heavy metals were discussed to provide reference for rational planting of wheat and grain safety and quality. The contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni in soil and wheat grain samples collected from typical farmland in northern Henan were determined, and the pollution and ecological risk of heavy metals were evaluated. The results showed that the average contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni in soil were 11397.33, 287.83, 23.33, 7.41, 31.41 and 8.56 mg/kg, respectively. Most of the elements showed a significant positive correlation; the single pollution evaluation and comprehensive pollution evaluation of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni were clean. The average contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni in wheat grains were 30.42, 61.75, 23.17, 1.52, 0.28 and 0.16 mg/kg, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between individual elements. The contents of Fe, Zn, Cu were lower than the maximum tolerable content of wheat, and the content of Mn was higher than the maximum tolerable content of wheat. The comprehensive pollution evaluation of Cr was mild pollution, and the pollution evaluation of Ni was clean. There was a synergistic or antagonistic effect between heavy metals in the soil-wheat system. The enrichment coefficient of wheat grain to soil heavy metals was Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Fe. The risk of heavy metal pollution in farmland soil in northern Henan is low.

  • ZHANGKeyi, XIAOHui, TIANXiuping, ZHANGHui, CHENGWenjuan, PANJie, DONGYuchen
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(30): 66-74.

    To investigate the effect of combined application of livestock manure and desulfurized gypsum on improving coastal saline-alkali soil, this study used coastal saline-alkali soil in Jinghai District, Tianjin as the experimental object. Through setting up field plot experiments, the effects of different application rates of cow manure and desulfurized gypsum on soil pH, total salt, soil ion composition, wheat plant height, 1000-grain weight, number of grains per spike and yield were analyzed to provide technical reference for the treatment of coastal saline-alkali land. The results showed that all 9 different combinations of desulfurized gypsum and cow manure could reduce soil pH, with LDLG, LDMG and LDHG treatments having the best effect, reducing pH by 2%-5%. Compared with the ion composition of CK, under the same application amount of cow manure, the contents of Na+, HCO3- and Cl- in LDLG, LDMG and LDHG were significantly reduced, while the contents of K+, SO42-, Mg2+ and Ca2+ showed increasing trends. Na+ decreased by 15.71%-24.21% compared with CK; Ca2+ increased by 110.69%-880.67%. Mg2+ increased by 133.41%-525.31%; HCO3- decreased by 22.91%-59.01%; Cl- decreased by 35.51%-48.22%; K+ increased by 16.41%-70.02%; SO42- increased by 123.21%-351.19%, and SAR value decreased by 65.59%-89.81%. The application of desulfurized gypsum and cow manure could significantly increase wheat plant height and yield, with plant height increasing by 4.78%-14.79%, and HDLG treatment reaching the maximum plant height of 64.67 cm; yield increased by -11.37%-19.55%, reaching the maximum value in LDMG. The study showed that the amount of desulfurized gypsum was significantly positively correlated with soil total salt content, and the amount of desulfurized gypsum and cow manure was significantly negatively correlated with soil pH. Under a fixed amount of cow manure, the soil total salt content showed an increasing trend with the increase of desulfurized gypsum application; under a fixed amount of desulfurized gypsum, the soil total salt content decreased with the increase of cow manure application.

  • YANGQiuxia, HUANGXin, YANGZhigang, LIZihui, ZHANGHui, ZHANGJian
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(19): 13-17.

    In order to identify, introduce and breed winter wheat varieties suitable for Southern Xinjiang, 8 experimental sites were set up in the area, induding Zepu(D1)、Xinhe(D2)、Nongyishi(D3), etc, Xindong 60 (CK1) and Xindong 20 (CK2) were used as control variteies, and 20 wheat varieties, including Xinliang 809, Anongdong 9, Xinliang 807, Xinliang 808, Jiushenghe D1809 and Jinfengyuanmai 3 were compared. The population structure, panicle formation characteristics of tillers, main panicle characters and agronomic characters, yield and stability were analyzed. The results showed that the population structure and comprehensive performance of tillering and panicle formation of Jiushenghe D1809, Pubingzi 017, Xinliang 807, and Xinliang 808 were relatively good, the average yield of 9 varieties, including Jinfengyuanmai 3, Anongdong 9, Xinliang 807, Xinliang 809, and Jiushenghe D1809 etc., increased by more than 5% significantly compared to the control varieties Xindong 20 and Xindong 60. Moreover, Jinfengyuanmai 3, Xinliang 807, Xinliang 809, and Jiushenghe D1809 had good high and stable yield, and could be further demonstrated and planted in this region.

  • HANMingming, LIWenqian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(29): 39-44.

    The study aims to investigate the effects of straw returning and basal/topdressing ratio of nitrogen fertilizer on winter wheat yield and nitrogen use efficiency, and to determine the optimal nitrogen fertilization pattern under straw returning conditions. The experiment used the wheat variety ‘Jimai 22’ as test material, and employed a split-plot design. The main plots consisted of two straw treatments: no straw returning (S0) and straw returning (S1). Sub-plots included three nitrogen fertilizer ratios: 7:3 (T1), 5:5 (T2) and 3:7 (T3), with a nitrogen application rate of 240 kg/hm2. Nitrogen blank controls were set up with no nitrogen fertilizer applied under both straw returning and no straw returning conditions. The results indicated that compared with no straw returning, straw returning increased nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen harvest index of winter wheat, with the largest increase observed in the T1 treatment, reaching 11.08% and 5.21% respectively. When straw returning was combined with a higher proportion of base fertilizer, the yield was higher than that of no straw returning, with an increase of 13.36%. Conversely, when combined with a lower proportion of base fertilizer, the yield was lower than that of no straw returning, with the highest yield achieved with a nitrogen fertilizer ratio of 7:3. It is suggested that in regions similar to the conditions of this experiment, increasing the proportion of base fertilizer under straw returning conditions is a feasible approach to balancing yield and environmental considerations.

  • ZHANGJiao, CHENPengjun, CUIShiyou, JIANGXiaye, HANJijun, LONGXien, MIAOYuanqing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(29): 45-51.

    To study the effects of different planting years and planting methods on the yield and component factors of shoal wheat, and clarify the dynamic changes of soil salinity, pH and moisture during the growth of shoal wheat, the wheat planting experiment with planting years and planting methods were carried out from November 2021 to June 2022 in the cultivation reclamation area of tidal flats. Two planting years including wheat planting in the first year (1Y) and the second year (2Y), and two planting methods including 25 cm continuous row spacing conventional tillage (N) and 30 cm+15 cm wide and narrow row tillage (T) were set up in the experiment. The results showed that (1) the dynamic changes of soil salinity of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm under 1Y-T, 1Y-N, 2Y-T and 2Y-N treatments were relatively stable from December to February of the next year. The salinity reached the lowest value in late March, and then the salinity returned with the increase of temperature. At the same time, the salinity of 0-40 cm soil layer under T treatment was higher than that under N treatment, and the salinity of 0-40 cm soil layer under 1Y treatment was higher than that under 2Y treatment. (2) Soil pH values of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layer under each treatment had similar seasonal variation characteristics during wheat planting. At the same time, the pH value of 0-20 cm soil layer was lower than that in 20-40 cm soil layer, and the moisture content of 0-20 cm soil layer was higher than that in 20-40 cm soil layer. (3) Overall, the wheat yield under 2Y treatment was increased by 2.68% compared with that under 1Y treatment. The plot yield and theoretical yield under T treatment were decreased by 6.71% and 8.03% compared with that under N treatment (P<0.05). From the analysis of yield components, the panicle number of wheat under 2Y treatment was increased by 5.29% (P<0.05) compared with that under 1Y treatment, and the panicle number of wheat under T treatment was decreased by 9.67% (P<0.05) compared with that under N treatment. However, there were no significant differences in the number of grains per ear and 1000-grain weight under different planting years or planting methods. The wheat yield will increase with the decrease of soil salinity in the reclamation area, and the main reason for the increase of wheat yield is the increase of the number of ears in tidal flat cultivation reclamation area.

  • HAOZhanhong, YESonglin, CAIDongyu, ZHANGLijuan, MIGuohua
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(29): 59-64.

    The Huang-Huai-Hai region is a significant production area for winter wheat and summer maize in China. Currently, the limiting factors include poor maize seeding quality due to no-tillage planting after wheat harvesting, difficulty in irrigation during the sowing to emergence period, untimely irrigation and fertilization, and poor farming techniques. Further enhancement of the use efficiency of radiation, temperature, water and fertilizer resources is the crucial way to achieve high grain yield and sustainable, green agricultural development in this region. To addresses these challenges, since 2018, we have innovated a comprehensive solution integrating several new technologies including the “four to one narrow-wide strip planting” for winter wheat, satellite-guided precision planting, annual shallow subsoil drip irrigation for synchronizing water-fertilizer-pesticide management. The corresponding modern agricultural machinery and information technology have been also matched. The integrated technique is called “Green water-fertilizer-pesticide synchronizing technology characterized of ‘four to one narrow-wide strip planting’ plus shallow subsoil drip fertigation for winter wheat-summer maize cropping system”. The field demonstration experiments conducted between 2010 and 2013 indicated that this novel comprehensive technology effectively addressed the aforementioned challenges and achieved both high yield and efficient resource utilization. Compared with traditional farmer practice, the new technology increased grain yield by 9%-17% in winter wheat and by 12%-14% in summer maize. The new technology also saved water input by 450-750 m3/hm2, fertilizer input by 20%, and labor cost by 2250-3000 yuan/hm2. This comprehensive technology provides a novel feasible solution for the green and high-yielding production of winter wheat and summer maize in the Huang-Huai-Hai region.

  • Crop Science
    Lihua Liu, Pingping Qu, Yue Zhou, Hongbo Li, Yangna Liu, Mingming Zhang, Liping Zhang, Changping Zhao, Shengquan Zhang, Binshuang Pang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(11): 3641-3656.
    Identifying stable quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield-related traits across populations and environments is crucial for wheat breeding and genetic studies.  Consensus maps also play important roles in wheat genetic and genomic research.  In the present study, a wheat consensus map was constructed using a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from Jinghua 1×Xiaobaidongmai (JX), an F2 population derived from L43×Shanxibaimai (LS) and the BAAFS Wheat 90K SNP array single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array.  A total of 44,503 SNP markers were mapped on the constructed consensus map, and they covered 5,437.92 cM across 21 chromosomes.  The consensus map showed high collinearity with the individual maps and the wheat reference genome IWGSC RefSeq v2.1.  Phenotypic data on eight yield-related traits were collected in the JX population, as well as the F2:3 and F2:4 populations of LS, in six, two and two environments, respectively, and those data were used for QTL analysis.  Inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) identified 32 environmentally stable QTLs for the eight yield-related traits.  Among them, four QTLs (QPH.baafs-4B, QKNS.baafs-4B, QTGW.baafs-4B, and QSL.baafs-5A.3) were detected across mapping populations and environments, and nine stable QTLs (qKL.baafs-1D, QPH.baafs-2B, QKNS.baafs-3D, QSL.baafs-3D, QKW.baafs-4B, QPH.baafs-5D, QPH.baafs-6A.1, QSL.baafs-6A, and QSL.baafs-6D) are likely to be new.  The physical region of 17.25–44.91 Mb on chromosome 4B was associated with six yield-related traits, so it is an important region for wheat yield.  The physical region around the dwarfing gene Rht24 contained QTLs for kernel length (KL), kernel width (KW), spike length (SL), and thousand-grain weight (TGW), which are either from a pleiotropic effect of Rht24 or closely linked loci.  For the stable QTLs, 254 promising candidate genes were identified.  Among them, TraesCS5A03G1264300, TraesCS1B03G0624000 and TraesCS6A03G0697000 are particularly noteworthy since their homologous genes have similar functions for the corresponding traits.  The constructed consensus map and the identified QTLs along with their candidate genes will facilitate the genetic dissection of wheat yield-related traits and accelerate the development of wheat cultivars with desirable plant morphology and high yield.

  • Crop Science
    Yanmei Gao, Maoya Jing, Meng Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Yuqing Liu, Zhimin Wang, Yinghua Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(11): 3706-3722.
    The sink strength of developing ovaries in wheat determines the grain weight potential.  The period from booting to the grain setting stage is critical for ovary growth and development and potential sink capacity determination.  However, the underlying regulatory mechanism during this period by which the wheat plant balances and coordinates the floret number and ovary/grain weight under water stress has not been clarified.  Therefore, we designed two irrigation treatments of W0 (no seasonal irrigation) and W1 (additional 75 mm of irrigation at the jointing stage) and analyzed the responses of the ovary/grain weight to water stress at the phenotypic, metabolomic, and transcriptomic levels.  The results showed that the W0 irrigation treatment reduced the soil water content, plant height, and green area of the flag leaf, thus reducing grain number, especially for the inferior grains.  However, it improved the grain weight of the superior and inferior grains as well as average grain weight at maturity, while the average ovary/grain weight and volume during –3 to 10 days after anthesis (DAA) also increased.  Transcriptomic analysis indicated that the genes involved in both sucrose metabolism and phytohormone signal transduction were prominently accelerated by the W0 treatment, accompanied by greater enzymatic activities of soluble acid invertase (SAI) and sucrose synthase (Sus) and elevated abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) levels.  Thus, the sucrose content decreased, while the glucose and fructose contents increased.  In addition, several TaTPP genes (especially TaTPP-6) were down-regulated and the IAA biosynthesis genes TaTAR1 and TaTAR2 were up-regulated under the W0 treatment before anthesis, which further increased the IAA level.  Collectively, water stress reduced the growth of vegetative organs and eliminated most of the inferior grains, but increased the ABA and IAA levels of the surviving ovaries/grains, promoting the enzymatic activity of Sus and degrading sucrose into glucose and fructose.  As a result, the strong sucrose utilization ability, the enhanced enzymatic activity of SAI and the ABA- and IAA-mediated signaling jointly increased the weight and volume of the surviving ovaries/grains, and ultimately achieved the trade-off between ovary/grain weight and number in wheat under water stress.

    MAIChunYan, LIUYiKe, LIUHongWei, LIHongJie, YANGLi, WUPeiPei, ZHOUYang, ZHANGHongJun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(19): 3719-3729.

    【Objective】To develop high-yielding and FHB-resistant wheat cultivars in the Yellow and Huai River Valley Winter Wheat Zone (YHWZ), simultaneously improving of yield and resistance was conducted in this study.【Method】Using the elite parent dwarf male sterile (DMS) wheat combined with double haploid (DH) technology and molecular marker assisted selection (MAS) of Fhb1 (DMS wheat molecular breeding strategy), DH lines were developed using Sumai 3 as a donor (FHB- resistant parent) and Zhoumai 16’s DMS wheat, Zhoumai 16, Lunxuan 136 and Lunxuan 6 as recipient parents. The agronomic traits (plant height, heading date, yield, etc.) and FHB resistance were evaluated for these DH lines.【Result】A total of 51 Fhb1-DH lines characterized by facultative growth habit, semi-dwarf and white grains were selected using this strategy. The average number of infected spikelets of 51 lines were 5.7 and 7.3 at the 2020Henan and 2020Beijing sites, respectively, and average disease severities were 27.7% and 35.2%, which is not different from moderately susceptible control Huaimai 20. There was no significant difference in grain yield per hm2 between the mean performance of the 51 lines and the control Zhoumai 18. DH116 (Lunxuan 20), a promising line from the 51 lines, was further evaluated for FHB resistance and agronomic traits in multiple environments. The resistance of Lunxuan 20 to FHB was significantly improved, and no significant difference was found in the number of infected spikelets or disease severity between Lunxuan 20 and moderately or highly resistant controls at four sites. Lunxuan 20 showed slightly greater grain yield per hm2, and significantly higher number of spikelets per spike and thousand grain weight (P<0.05), earlier heading date and shorter plant height (P<0.05) than the control Zhoumai 18 in two environments. The grain yield per hm2 of Lunxuan 20 was 4.6% and 1.7% higher than the control cultivar Bainong 207 in the two list trials of Henan Province, and 3.5% higher than Bainong 207 in the demonstration trial. Resistance of Lunxuan 20 to FHB ranged from moderate susceptibility to moderate resistance in two-year list tests using the single-floret injection and spray inoculation methods. Lunxuan 20 carries the semi-dwarfing gene Rht-D1b at the Rht-D1 locus, and the recessive alleles vrn-A1, vrn-B1 and vrn-D1 associated with the winter growth habit at the Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1 loci. Based on the wheat 660K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 64.7% of the SNPs were shared by Lunxuan 20 and its parents, and the direct genetic contributions of Zhoumai 16, Lunxuan 136, Lunxuan 6 and Sumai 3 to Lunxuan 20 were 69.8%, 12.6%, 6.1% and 11.5%, respectively.【Conclusion】A high-yielding and FHB-resistant wheat cultivar Lunxuan 20 was bred using the DMS wheat molecular breeding strategy.

  • QILiu, CAIHongmei, LIUQianqian, CHENTiantian, ZHENGBaoqiang, LIJincai, CHENXiang
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(18): 1-4.

    Based on the current situation of wheat production in the Dabie Mountains of West Anhui Province, and the aspects of wheat production needs to be further improved were summarized and analyzed, including high-quality varieties, mechanization level, green high-yield and efficient cultivation technology system, and wheat brand influence. Based on these links, measures were proposed to strengthen independent breeding of varieties, improve the efficiency of mechanized operations, promote high-yield and efficient cultivation technology systems, and develop brands of green agriculture, providing references for the sustainable and high-quality development of the wheat industry in the research area.

  • XUFeng, WANGYing, QIANFeiyue
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(18): 66-69.

    In order to give full play to the role of organic manure in nutrient balance, improve the application effect of chemical fertilizer, improve the quality of cultivated land, and better utilize organic manure resources nearby and locally, the organic nitrogen equivalent test of wheat decomposed manure was carried out. It was divided into three treatments: no nitrogen treatment (PK), inorganic nitrogen treatment (N1PK) and 100% nitrogen replacement of equal nitrogen content decomposed manure (MN2PK) to determine the organic nitrogen isopotency equivalent of wheat decomposed manure and its effects on wheat yield, composition factors, quality, nutrient uptake and utilization rate and soil quality. The results showed that compared with inorganic nitrogen treatment, wheat yield, yield components and nitrogen utilization rate of decomposed manure treatment had a decrease trend. The organic nitrogen equivalent of decomposed manure with chicken manure as the main raw material was 0.89. Compared with inorganic nitrogen treatment, the application of decomposed manure increased wheat protein content, soil organic matter, available phosphorus, available potassium and pH. The results showed that decomposed manure could improve wheat quality, soil physicochemical properties and cultivated land quality.

  • LIUXiaohang
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(18): 78-81.

    Fusarium crown rot of wheat caused by various fungus such as Fusarium is a typical fungal soil-borne disease. In recent years, the frequency and severity of the disease are increasing, which poses a serious threat to wheat production and food security. The occurrence characteristics, regularity and causes of Fusarium crown rot of wheat were reviewed, and the comprehensive control measures combining agricultural control, chemical control and biological control were put forward, in order to provide some technical references for the comprehensive control of Fusarium crown rot of wheat.

    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(18): 3507-3521.

    【Objective】 Starch is the main component of wheat kernel and plays an important role in processing. The gelatinization characteristic of starch is an important index to evaluate its quality. The genetic variation of starch gelatinization was studied to provide basis for improving wheat quality. 【Method】 Seven starch gelatinization traits, including gelatinization temperature, peak time, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, decay value and recovery value, were phenotypically determined in 205 winter wheat varieties. Genome-wide association analysis was performed using 90K chip, and haplotype analysis was performed on the stable and significant sites found. 【Result】 The seven characteristics, such as pasting temperature, showed abundant variation in different environments, and the coefficient of variation of attenuation value was the largest (29.31%-31.14%). There were significant differences among genotype, environment and genotype × environment, and the generalized heritability was 0.69-0.86. Through genome-wide association analysis, we found 198 loci that showed significant associations with seven traits. It was distributed in 20 other linked groups except 6D chromosome. There were 58 sites that were stable in 2 or more environments, involving all 7 traits, such as pasting temperature (10), peak time (5), peak viscosity (12), trough viscosity (10), final viscosity (7), break down (4) and set back (10), which could explain 5.54%-22.21% of genetic variation, twenty-one new sites were identified. By haplotype analysis of multiple effector sites that exist in multiple environments and have high phenotypic contribution, Four haplotypes, Hap1 (66.84%), Hap2 (16.84%), Hap3 (9.70%) and Hap4 (6.63%), were found at Kukri_c17417_407 on chromosome 4A, which were significantly related to peak viscosity and break down. Where Hap2 is the peak viscosity and high break down. (P<0.0001). The distribution frequency of varieties (lines) containing haplotype Hap2 in different ecological regions was from high to low as Huanghuai winter wheat region>foreign varieties>Southwest winter wheat region>Middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River winter wheat region>Northern winter wheat region. There were 11 single cause multieffect sites, among which there were 3 multiple effect sites associated with final viscosity, set back, peak time and trough viscosity. Jagger_c4026_328 and other 11 stable genetic loci located on 1B, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5B and 6B were mined, and 11 candidate genes that might be related to wheat starch gelatinization traits were screened. 【Conclusion】 In this study, RVA parameters had high heritability, and the RVA parameters of wheat starch were different in different environments. In this study, RVA parameters had high heritability, and the RVA parameters of wheat starch were different in different environments. 58 stable loci were detected that were significantly associated with starch gelatinization traits, and 4 different haplotypes were identified on chromosome 4A that were significantly associated with peak viscosity and break down, and 11 candidate genes related to starch gelatinization were screened, which could provide help for marker-assisted high-quality wheat breeding.

    LIUShuiMiao, GUANXiaoKang, ZHAOZhiHeng, WANGJingHui, LIUShiLong, GAOPeiMeng, WANGYanLi, WUPengNian, GAOChenKai, LIYuMing, SHAOJing, YUHaoLin, WANGTongChao, WENPengFei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(18): 3568-3585.

    【Objective】 The Huang-Huai-Hai Plain is a typical annual rotation area of winter wheat and summer maize in China, and the effect of pre-season tillage on the yield of summer maize in this area was studied, so as to provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the tillage mode under the wheat-maize double cropping system to improve the high and stable yield of summer maize. 【Method】 Based on the 6-year long-term positioning experiment, three pre-sowing tillage modes of winter wheat were set up, including Deep tillage (DT), No-tillage (NT), and Rotation tillage (RT) with deep tillage for one year and two years, to explore the tillage mode with the greatest potential for increasing summer maize yield. 【Result】 RT and DT treatments significantly increased the soil water storage of 0-40 cm soil in tillage disturbance during the tillage period of summer maize at the grain filling stage, which was 4.89% to 11.02% (2022) and 4.43% to 6.06% (2023) higher than that under DT treatment, and 8.16% to 16.69% (2022) and 6.78% to 17.23% (2023) higher than that under NT treatments, respectively. RT treatment could maintain a high leaf area index at the maize grain filling stage, and the leaf area index under RT treatment increased by 1.41% to 14.28% (2022) and 9.03% to 14.46% (2023) compared with DT treatment before and during the grain filling stage, respectively and increased by 14.80% to 27.56% (2022) and 21.25% to 29.39% (2023) compared with NT treatment, respectively. Compared with DT and NT treatments, the contribution rate of dry matter transfer after anthesis to grain under RT treatment increased by 3.77%, 40.36% (2022) and 7.26%, 19.91% (2023), respectively. The results of logistic equation simulation showed that the parameters of the 3 grain filling stages were roughly in the order of rapid growth stage>gradual growth stage>slow growth stage, and the three grain positions showed the lower grain>the middle grain>the upper grain, and the changes of the parameters in the 3 treatments showed RT>DT>NT, in which the RT treatment reached the maximum grouting rate in advance, and the average grouting rate was the highest, thereby increasing the theoretical maximum 100-grain weight. In 2022 and 2023, the yield under RT was significantly increased by 8.92%, 14.15%, 6.25% and 19.45% compared with DT and NT treatments, respectively, and in 2022 and 2023, the 100-grain weight RT and DT treatments were significantly increased by 2.71%, 6.03%, 9.02% and 12.56% compared with NT treatments, respectively. According to the structural equation model of yield formation, the direct effect and indirect effect of 0-40 cm soil water storage on yield were 0.420 and 0.551, respectively. 0-40 cm soil water storage not only directly promoted yield formation, but also affected yield through aboveground biomass and average grain filling rate. 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, soil water storage was an important driving factor for increasing yield, and RT could increase soil water storage at summer maize filling stage, thereby increasing leaf area index with higher activity, delaying leaf senescence time, increasing dry matter accumulation, optimizing grain filling characteristics, promoting the increase of dry matter to grain filling rate, and ultimately increasing summer maize yield.

  • CHONGDongdong, YANGNing, ZHAOShihua, LIUShuyan, DONGYan, LIRui, WANGBaogang
    Journal of Agriculture. 2024, 14(9): 6-11.

    In order to effectively control wheat yellow mosaic disease at seedling stage and reduce the effect on wheat yield, the occurrence of wheat yellow mosaic disease was investigated in the field from 2018, and the regularity of occurrence of wheat yellow mosaic disease was analyzed systematically. From 2022 to 2023 year, three plots were selected to conduct pesticide control experiments at seedling stage, two sprays of 20% moroxydine hydrochloride WP 2250 g + 30% difluorophos WP 750 g + 0.01% brassinolide soluble solution 225 mL + 6% oligosaccharide·Chain protein WP 1200 g + 98% Monopotassium phosphate 2250 g + 750 g water soluble fertilizer containing amino acids were applied to wheat at rising stage, the area was 1333.4, 666.7, 666.7 m2 respectively, and the control was sprayed with water, the area was 1333.4, 666.7, 666.7 m2respectively. The results showed that spraying fungicide could reduce the severity of wheat yellow mosaic disease, and the average control effect was 29.6% and 42.46%, respectively, and the average plant height and fresh weight increased by 3.24 cm and 0.44 g, respectively, the average number of secondary roots per plant increased by 3.17. The yields of the three plots were 5657.85, 6777.12, 7868.37 kg/hm2, respectively, and those of the control were 4776.52, 5435.58, 7223.63 kg/hm2, respectively. The yields of the three plots were increased by 881.32, 1341.54, and 644.75 kg/hm2, respectively, the average yield increase was 955.87 kg and 17.35%. Spraying fungicide at the seedling stage of wheat can reduce the damage degree of the disease and achieve the effect of preventing disease, reducing damage and increasing yield of wheat.

  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(21): 120-129.
    降雨波动大和过量施氮是限制渭北旱地冬小麦生产中氮肥高效利用和高产稳产的主要因子。该研究旨在构建2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界氮浓度稀释曲线,分析氮营养指数诊断冬小麦氮素营养状况的可行性,为考虑降雨条件下旱地冬小麦精准施氮提供理论依据。于2017—2021年在陕西合阳县开展4 a定位施氮试验,以晋麦47为试验材料,设置0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm~2 5个施氮水平,其中2017—2018年和2020—2021年为平水年,2018—2019和2019—2020年为欠水年。研究2种降雨年型下施氮量对冬小麦氮素利用、产量及产量构成因素的影响,基于2种降雨年型下地上部生物量与植株氮浓度之间的关系,构建临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型和氮营养指数(nitrogen nutrition index,NNI)优化施肥方案。结果表明:1)施氮量、降雨年型及其二者互作效应对穗数、千粒质量、产量影响显著或极显著。2)2种降雨年型下冬小麦临界植株氮浓度和地上部生物量均符合幂函数关系,但模型参数之间存在差异(模型参数a在平水年和欠水年分别为3.33、2.79 g/kg,参数b在平水年和欠水年分别为0.40、0.31)。模型拟合的植株氮浓度和实际氮浓度线性相关,平水年均方根误差和标准化均方根误差分别为0.20 g/kg、10.30%,欠水年分别为0.14 g/kg、7.69%,均说明模型具有较好稳定性。3)根据产量表现和氮营养指数,平水年适宜施氮量为160~180 kg/hm~2,欠水年适宜施氮量为101~120 kg/m~2。该研究可为渭北旱地冬小麦植株各生育时期氮素评估和精准施氮提供理论依据。
  • ZHANGShiqi, LIUHanzhang, HUNengbing, ZHUShoujing
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(17): 1-5.

    The current distribution of zinc content in farmland soil, the impact of zinc on the nutritional quality of wheat grains, the absorption and accumulation characteristics of zinc by wheat, and the ways to enhance zinc nutrition in wheat grains were summarized and analyzed. The distribution pattern of zinc content in soil was closely related to topography, geological structure, and ecological environment. In some wheat producing areas, the zinc content in soil is relatively low. Zinc is an important trace element that affects the starch and protein content of wheat grains. It was generally absorbed by plant roots and transported to the aboveground part under pressure or transpiration, or horizontally transported to the phloem, where it was transported upwards or downwards and then transported to various tissues and organs. The ways to enhance zinc in wheat include genetic improvement breeding, agronomic improvement, and application biotechnology. The research results provide some new ideas for zinc-rich wheat breeding.

  • LIUJiashen
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(17): 10-13.

    The application of green cultivation and intelligent precision management technology were summarized and analyzed in promoting wheat production, providing references for achieving efficient, environmentally friendly, and sustainable agricultural development. This technology utilized modern technologies such as sensors, remote sensing, and the Internet of Things to achieve real-time monitoring and precise control of wheat growth and environmental conditions. Through various means such as planting management, water and fertilizer management, pest control, and integrated harvesting and storage, it improved wheat production efficiency and product quality, while reducing resource waste and environmental pollution. The application of this technology was helpful for the rational planning of the cultivation scheme and the precise control of the whole process of crop growth and the environment. The purpose was to promote green cultivation and intelligent precision management technology to improve the yield and quality of wheat.

  • Zeli Li, Fuli Fang, Liang Wu, Feng Gao, Mingyang Li, Benhang Li, Kaidi Wu, Xiaomin Hu, Shuo Wang, Zhanbo Wei , Qi Chen, Min Zhang, Zhiguang Liu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(10): 0.
    Soil microorganisms play critical roles in ecosystem function. However, the relative impact of the potassium (K) fertilizer gradient on the microbial community in wheat‒maize double-cropping systems remains unclear. In this long-term field experiment (2008-2019), we researched bacterial and fungal diversity, composition, and community assemblage in the soil along a K fertilizer gradient (in the wheat season: K0, no K fertilizer; K1, 45 kg ha−1 K2O; K2, 90 kg ha−1 K2O; K3, 135 kg ha−1 K2O; and in the maize season: K0, no K fertilizer; K1, 150 kg ha−1 K2O; K2, 300 kg ha−1 K2O; K3, 450 kg ha−1 K2O) using bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS data. We observed that environmental variables (such as mean annual soil temperature (MAT) and precipitation, available K, ammonium, nitrate, and organic matter) impacted the soil bacterial and fungal communities, and their impacts varied with fertilizer treatments and crop species. Furthermore, the relative abundance of bacteria involved in soil nutrient transformation (phylum Actinobacteria and class Alphaproteobacteria) in the wheat season was significantly increased compared to the maize season, and the optimal K fertilizer dosage (K2 treatment) boosted the relative bacterial abundance of soil nutrient transformation (genus Lactobacillus) and soil denitrification (phylum Proteobacteria) bacteria in the wheat season. The abundance of the soil bacterial community promoting root growth and nutrient absorption (genus Herbaspirillum) in the maize season was improved compared to the wheat season, and the K2 treatment enhanced the bacterial abundance of soil nutrient transformation (genus MND1) and soil nitrogen cycling (genus Nitrospira) genera in the maize season. The results indicated that the bacterial and fungal communities in the double-cropping system exhibited variable sensitivities and assembly mechanisms along a K fertilizer gradient, and microhabitats explained the largest amount of the variation in crop yields, and improved wheat‒maize yields by 11.2-22.6 and 9.2-23.8% with K addition, respectively. These modes are shaped contemporaneously by the different meteorological factors and soil nutrient changes in the K fertilizer gradients.
    LIHong, WANGXiNa, WEIGuangYuan, MAYongXin, TIANHaiMei, WANGYueMei, QIANZhiJin, TANJunLi
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(17): 3424-3439.

    【Objective】The study on the effect of nitrogen reduction and water saving on the stem strength and grain quality of spring wheat aims to provide theoretical basis for the sustained and stable yield increase of spring wheat, efficient utilization of irrigate and nitrogen, and improvement of spring wheat’s lodging resistance in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia.【Method】Using Ningchun No.4 as test material, in 2021 and 2022, split-zone field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of irrigation treatments (conventional irrigation (400 mm, WC), 20% water saving (320 mm, W1), and 40% water saving (240 mm, W2) and nitrogen application treatments (conventional nitrogen application (270 kg·hm-2, NC), 25% nitrogen reduction (202.5 kg·hm-2, NJ), and no nitrogen application, N0) on stem strength, yield and grain quality of spring wheat.【Result】The 25% N reduction and 20% water savings did not significantly reduce spring wheat plant height, stem diameter, or accumulation of aboveground biomass compared to conventional N application. There was no significant difference in stem strength and stem potassium content of spring wheat treated with reduced and conventional nitrogen application levels, but on the basis of reduced nitrogen, stem strength and stem potassium content of spring wheat treated with 20% water saving was significantly higher than that of conventional irrigation treatment. At the filling stage, stem strength increased by 14.9% and 16.3%, and stem potassium content increased by 13.4% and 11.9% in the water-saving 20% treatment compared to the conventional flooding treatment in both years at the reduced nitrogen level, while at the maturity stage, stem strength increased by 19.0% and 8.3%, and stem potassium content increased by 10.5% and 9.0%, respectively. Stem strength of spring wheat showed a decreasing trend as the reproductive process progressed. Correlation analysis showed that stem strength was highly significantly positively correlated with plant height and above-ground biomass, significantly positively correlated with stem potassium content, and not significantly correlated with stem diameter. Among the water-nitrogen treatments, the spring wheat yield was highest in the 20% nitrogen reduction and water conservation treatment, amounting to 8 092 and 5 516 kg•hm-2 in 2021 and 2022, respectively. At the same nitrogen application, the soluble sugar and protein contents of spring wheat grain showed an increasing and then decreasing trend with the decrease of irrigation quota, and the 25% nitrogen reduction and 20% water saving treatment reached the maximum value, which increased by 14.4%, 16.7%, and 25.5%, 23.5%, respectively, compared with the conventional water and nitrogen treatments, while there was no significant difference in starch content among the irrigation and nitrogen treatments. It was further found that stem strength was highly significantly and positively correlated with yield and protein content in grain and not significantly correlated with starch and soluble sugar content in grain.【Conclusion】Water saving of 20% under nitrogen reduction promoted the growth of spring wheat plant height and stem diameter, increased the accumulation of aboveground biomass, and increased the potassium content of stems, which in turn improved the stem strength of spring wheat, reduced the risk of lodging, increased the yield of spring wheat and improved the grain quality. Therefore, it was concluded that 20% water saving under nitrogen reduction conditions is a suitable irrigate and nitrogen management model for spring wheat in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia.

    ZHAOZhuoChao, CAOHaoTian, ZHOUZiXin, QUJiaLe, LIZe, XUMingYang, YANGQiWei, ZHANGBin, WANGNingZe, WUYongZhen, SUNHan, QINRan, ZHAOChunHua, CUIFa
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(16): 3116-3126.

    【Objective】1BL·1RS translocation lines are widely used in wheat breeding programs. The genetic effects of 1BL·1RS on yield and quality related traits will be characterized under different backgrounds, and its application in breeding programs will be evaluated. The study will provide therotical references for the selection of high-yield and high-quality wheat varieties.【Method】 The natural mapping population comprised by 244 varieties/advanced lines and the 188 recombinant inbred lines (KJ-RIL-F8) derived from the cross between Kenong9204 (KN9204) and Jing411 (J411) were used in this study. Their genotypes were detected by the 1RS diagnostic markers. Combining with the phenotypic values, the genetic effects of 1BL·1RS translocation on yield and quality were characterized. The selection and utilization of 1BL·1RS translocation in breeding programs were clarified by analyzing its proportion in the approved varieties among different decades and cultivate locations.【Result】Of the 188 KJ-RILs, 74 were 1BL·1RS translocation lines. The yield-related traits analysis showed that, under both high and low nitrogen conditions, the 1BL·1RS translocation lines significantly prolonged the heading date, increased grain nitrogen content ratio, increased flag leaf length and flag leaf area; while it significantly reduced kernel number per spike. The 1BL·1RS translocation had no significant effect on the spikes number per plant, thousand kerner weight or flag leaf width. Under both high nitrogen and low nitrogen conditions, 1BL·1RS translocation could significantly increase water absorption rate, wet gluten content, protein content and grain hardness; it had no significant effect on testweight, tractility or sedimentation value. Of the 244 varieties/advanced lines in the natural population, 76 were 1BL·1RS translocation lines. The 1BL·1RS translocation could significantly increase kernel number per spike, spike length and spikelet number, but it could significantly reduce plant height. However, it had no significant effect on spikes number per plant, thousand kerner weight, flag leaf length, flag leaf width or flag leaf area. The 244 varieties/advanced lines in the natural mapping population were classified and grouped according to wheat cultivation locations and variety certification time. The results showed that there were significant differences in the proportion of 1BL·1RS among different wheat cultivation locations. The proportion of the 1BL·1RS translocation lines began to increase from the 1990s in breeding programs.【Conclusion】There is no significant difference for the effects of 1BL·1RS translocation on yield and quality traits under high and low nitrogen conditions. The 1BL·1RS translocation showed inconsistent effects on yield related traits in the KJ-RIL mapping population and the natural mapping population, probably due to the different genetic backgrounds among them.

    LIUTong, WANGZhiRong, LIWei, LIUYang, WANGXiangRu, LAIDiLi, HEYuQi, ZHANGKaiXuan, ZHAOZhenJun, ZHOUMeiLiang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(16): 3127-3141.

    【Objective】Buckwheat is an important cereal and economic crop. Compared with other crops, buckwheat has strong aluminum tolerance. A transcription factor FtbHLH93 in response to aluminum stress was identified in transcriptome data of aluminum treatment. Exploring the function of FtbHLH93 will provide ideas and clues for solving the problem of aluminum toxicity in acidic soil and molecular breeding of new varieties of buckwheat with aluminum tolerant, and provide theoretical basis for the molecular mechanism of tolerance aluminum in buckwheat.【Method】 The cDNA of Pinku1 was used as a template to clone FtbHLH93. qRT-PCR was used to detect the expression of FTbHLH93 in different tissues of Tartary buckwheat and at different time points after aluminum treatment. Yeast system was used to identify the transcriptional activation activity. The localization of intracellular expression was determined by subcellular localization. The flavonoid content of the overexpressed materials was examined, and SOD and POD activities were measured under untreated and Al-treated conditions. The differentially expressed genes were analyzed by transcriptome analysis, potential downstream target genes were screened, and their promoters were predicted. The dual luciferase reporter gene assay was used to verify the results.【Result】The coding region of FtbHLH93 transcription factor was 573 bp in length, encoding 190 amino acid residues. The predicted molecular weight of FtbHLH93 was 21.759 kDa, and its isoelectric point was 8.64. qRT-PCR results showed that FtbHLH93 was highly expressed in roots. The expression level of FtbHLH93 is highest at 24 h after aluminum treatment. FtbHLH93 is localized in the nucleus without self-activating activity. Overexpression of FtbHLH93 in Tartary buckwheat hairy roots enhanced aluminum tolerance, and the activities of SOD and POD were significantly higher than those of the control group. The detection results of flavonoid metabolites in the overexpressed FtbHLH93 hairy roots showed that the contents of rutin, catechin, and fireworks were significantly higher than those of the control group. GO enrichment analysis showed that it was related to metal ion transport and cadmium and manganese ion entries, and KEGG enrichment analysis showed that it was related to ABC transporter. Three genes responsive to aluminum stress may be downstream target genes of FtbHLH93, and co-expression analysis showed that two of the candidate downstream target genes had a similar expression pattern to FtbHLH93.【Conclusion】FtbHLH93 transcription factor may alleviate aluminum toxicity by promoting the accumulation of flavonoids and the increase of SOD and POD activities. FtbHLH93 may act as an upstream regulator to regulate the expression of FtPinG0100930100.01, FtPinG0303102000.01 and FtPinG0403996200.01.

    CHENShi, HUANGYinLan, JINYunXiang, XUChengLin, ZOUJinQiu
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2024, 57(16): 3142-3153.

    【Background】To determine the safe planting limit of winter wheat based on agricultural climate indicators is crucial for the scientific and rational utilization of resources, avoiding freezing disasters, and ensuring stable and high yields of winter wheat. However, in the north of China, which is located in the sensitive area of winter wheat planting, the fluctuation of safe winter wheat planting has been intensified due to the increase of extreme weather events caused by global climate change. It is urgent to clarify the agroclimatic factors affecting the safe planting of winter wheat on a large regional scale and to determine their threshold ranges. 【Objective】The research on the agricultural climatic factors and their thresholds for the safe planting of winter wheat was conducted to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable production and planning of winter wheat in response to climate change. 【Method】The northern China was selected as the research area, which was highly sensitive to the safe planting of winter wheat. Based on the spatial distribution of winter wheat with medium and high spatial resolution and ground meteorological observation data, this research utilized methods such as kernel density estimation, geographic detector to reveal the spatial pattern characteristics of the actual northern limit of winter wheat planting, to quantitatively analyze the influence of agricultural climate factors on the formation of the actual northern limit of winter wheat planting, and to explore the threshold of key climate factors. 【Result】(1) The actual northern limit of winter wheat planting, with a total length of about 2 200 km, fluctuated from southwest to northeast. However, agricultural climate factors exhibited more significant fluctuations along the line of Pingning-Xunyi-Tongchuan-Baishui- Heyang-Hancheng-Jishan. (2) The negative accumulative temperature during winter, average temperature of the coldest month, extreme minimum temperature of the year, and accumulative temperature before winter were crucial factors (q >0.45) in shaping the actual northern limit of winter wheat planting. Agricultural precipitation factors had a minor effect (q <0.19) on winter wheat planting, but interacted strongly with temperature factors (q >0.57). (3) Specific meteorological parameters for the northern limit of winter wheat safe planting in northern China were established: negative accumulated temperature in overwintering period≥-620 ℃·d, coldest monthly mean temperature≥-8 ℃, annual extreme minimum temperature≥-22 ℃, and accumulated temperature before overwintering≥529 ℃·d. (4) The potential northern limit for winter wheat planting has moved about 107 km northward compared to the actual limit, with approximately 23.39×103 km2 of expansion area. 【Conclusion】This study identified the key agricultural climate indicators and thresholds influencing safe winter wheat planting in northern China, which provided a basis for determining potential safe planting areas for winter wheat. The research results could provide the theoretical reference and technical support for how winter wheat planting could adapt to climate change and adjust agricultural planting layout reasonably.

  • XUMiao, MANa
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(25): 140-146.

    Aiming at the problem of three-dimensional visualization of wheat leaves which is difficult to realize, the three-dimensional reconstruction of wheat leaves was carried out by NURBS surface algorithm. Specific data such as wheat leaf length, leaf width, stem and leaf angle, leaf sheath length, and leaf sheath diameter were measured. The main vein control point information of the leaves and leaf sheaths was calculated using the main vein control point algorithm. All the control point information was calculated based on leaf width, leaf sheath diameter, and other information. The three-dimensional model of wheat leaves was constructed using OpenGL in visual studio. The wheat leaf model obtained by the research algorithm has a high similarity with real wheat leaves, which better reflects the curvature of the leaves and truly reflects the morphological information of crop leaves. The three-dimensional reconstruction based on NURBS surface has flexible control, convenient use, and simple calculation, which has good application and reference value in the three-dimensional modeling of crops.

  • WUDongli, LIUCong, GUOChaofan, DINGMingming, WUSu, QUEYanhong, JIANGMingliang, LIYan
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(25): 147-154.

    Real-time and accurate monitoring of soil moisture content is the foundation of agricultural water management. Exploring the optimal model for soil moisture inversion in winter wheat is of great significance for improving agricultural water efficiency and sustainable development. This study took the soil moisture content in the winter wheat planting area of Jun County, Hebi City, Henan Province as the research object. Using unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing data, satellite remote sensing data and field sampling data, three methods of temperature vegetation drought index model, water cloud model and improved water cloud model were used to perform comparative analysis of soil water content inversion and optimal model selection. The results showed that the inversion accuracy at a depth of 10 cm was higher than that in 20 cm in all three methods, and R2 was greater than 0.4. The use of an improved water cloud model method resulted in R2 of 0.7055 and RMSE of 0.0209 at a depth of 10 cm, R2 of 0.5069 and RMSE of 0.0271 at a depth of 20 cm, which was superior to the inversion effect of water cloud model and temperature vegetation drought index. This indicated that using the improved water cloud model method for wheat field soil water inversion was appropriate and had high inversion accuracy.
