Association Analysis of Fruit Traits with Fruit Cracking in Pitaya Germplasm Resources

WU Zhijiang,HUANG Fengzhu,WEI Shuotong,HUANG Lifang,DENG Haiyan,YE Xiaoying,LIANG Guidong,LI Zhenying,LIU Chaoan,LU Guifeng

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2024, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1) : 52-59. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230706002
Research Articles

Association Analysis of Fruit Traits with Fruit Cracking in Pitaya Germplasm Resources

  • WU Zhijiang, HUANG Fengzhu, WEI Shuotong, HUANG Lifang, DENG Haiyan, YE Xiaoying, LIANG Guidong, LI Zhenying, LIU Chaoan, LU Guifeng
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In order to explore the fruit traits that associate to the fruit cracking in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.), 279 pitaya accessions were used as experimental materials in this study. Genetic variation analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed at 13 fruit traits including individual fruit weight, fruit longitudinal diameter, fruit transversal diameter, fruit shape index, fruit navel diameter, fruit navel depth, fruit navel shape index, skin thickness, fruit bract length in fruit navel, number of fruit bracts, fruit edible rate, soluble solid content (SSC) of central pulp, and pulp margin SSC with fruit cracking rate. The results reveled abundant genetic variations at 13 fruit traits and fruit cracking rate. By the correlation analysis, the correlation coefficient between fruit cracking rate and fruit navel shape index was the largest, showing a highly significant negative correlation. Fruit cracking rate was negatively correlated with fruit shape index and skin thickness, but positively correlated with edible rate and pulp margin SSC. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that fruit navel diameter and navel depth were the two most important factors affecting fruit cracking rate, accounting for 39.30% of the variation. No significance was detected at other fruit traits to fruit cracking rate. Collectively, the morphological structure of the fruit navel is of importance to the fruit cracking of pitaya, and the fruit navel shape index can be used as a reference index in breeding of cracking tolerance varieties.

Key words

pitaya / fruit traits / fruit cracking / correlation analysis / regression analysis

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WU Zhijiang,HUANG Fengzhu,WEI Shuotong,HUANG Lifang,DENG Haiyan,YE Xiaoying,LIANG Guidong,LI Zhenying,LIU Chaoan,LU Guifeng. Association Analysis of Fruit Traits with Fruit Cracking in Pitaya Germplasm Resources. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2024, 25(1): 52-59


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Foundation projects: National Natural Science Foundation of China (31960578); Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2022GXNSFAA035612);Fundamental Research Project of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Gui Nong Ke 2023YM72)
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