Genetic Diversity Analysis of Wax Gourd Resources Collected fromJiangxi Province Using Phenotypic Traits

GUAN Feng,SHI Bo,WAN Xin-jian,ZHANG Jing-yun,HUANG Chang-lin,ZHANG Hui-guo and Huang Guo-dong

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2022, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2) : 385-397. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20210830001
Research Articles

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Wax Gourd Resources Collected fromJiangxi Province Using Phenotypic Traits

  • GUAN Feng1, SHI Bo1, WAN Xin-jian1, ZHANG Jing-yun1, HUANG Chang-lin1, ZHANG Hui-guo2, Huang Guo-dong2
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To understand the genetic diversity of wax gourd germplasm resources,95 wax gourd germplasm resources collected from Third National Survey and Collection of Crop Germplasm Resources in Jiangxi province were used. The cluster analysis,principal component analysis,and multivariate evaluation of 12 phenotypic traits were carried out. These results revealed abundant phenotypic variations at each of traits,with the genetic diversity index of 0.479-2.103 under different environmental conditions. The diversity index of first female flower node was the highest,followed by fruit diameter and length. The cluster analysis suggested four groups,in which group Ⅲ was large-fruit wax gourd germplasm resources with a potential forhigh-yield varieties breeding.Group Ⅳ was suitable for spending habits with heavy wax powder,little furrow and short cylinder shape,and they could be used to improve the commercial properties in Jiangxi province.The principal component analysis and comprehensive evaluation indicated that the cumulative contribution rate of the 5 main components was 67.586%. The comprehensive score of the wax gourd germplasm resources ranged from -0.92 to 1.03,the four accessions with high comprehensive scores were xinan giant wax gourd with powder,dongyuan wax gourd,xiajiang wax gourd and huangfang wax gourd,which could be used as the core breeding resources.Taken together,this result can provide an insights for variety breeding in wax gourd.

Key words

wax gourd;germplasm resources;genetic diversity;Jiangxi province

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GUAN Feng,SHI Bo,WAN Xin-jian,ZHANG Jing-yun,HUANG Chang-lin,ZHANG Hui-guo and Huang Guo-dong. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Wax Gourd Resources Collected fromJiangxi Province Using Phenotypic Traits. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2022, 23(2): 385-397


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China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-23),Third National Survey and Collection of Crop GermplasmResources,Jiangxi Key Research and Development Project(20202BBFL63010,20212BBF63015),Jiangxi Modern Agricultural Research Collaborative Innovation Project(JXXTCXQN202102,JXXTCX202101,JXXTCX202114)
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