Review of the Germplasm Resources and Crossbreeding of Pleione

WU Sha-sha,CHEN Lei,ZHAO Ya-mei,ZHENG Ze-xin,ZHANG Heng and ZHAI Jun-wen

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2020, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4) : 785-793. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20200214003

Review of the Germplasm Resources and Crossbreeding of Pleione

  • WU Sha-sha1, CHEN Lei1, ZHAO Ya-mei1, ZHENG Ze-xin2, ZHANG Heng3, ZHAI Jun-wen1
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Pleione is a genus of the Orchidaceae with great ornamental value, including 24 species and nine natural hybrids, and having 431 grexes registered with the Royal Horticultural Society in the UK. The plants of this genus are very popular and are of great potential for market development. China is the center of distribution and species diversity of Pleione, but lags behind Europe in resources development and breeding of the genus. In order to strengthen the conservation and sustainable development and utilization of Pleione, its germplasm resources and crossbreeding were reviewed, focusing on the achievements of crossbreeding in the past 50 years aiming at different breeding goals, and summarizing the problems in and prospects for the germplasm resources, crossbreeding, and industry, to provide some insights and directions for Pleione breeding.

Key words

Orchidaceae / Pleione / germplasm resources / crossbreeding

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WU Sha-sha,CHEN Lei,ZHAO Ya-mei,ZHENG Ze-xin,ZHANG Heng and ZHAI Jun-wen. Review of the Germplasm Resources and Crossbreeding of Pleione. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2020, 21(4): 785-793


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