Map-based Cloning of Dwarf and Small Grain Mutant dsg7 in Rice

WANG Di,WANG Jian,LI Gang,CHENG Bao-shan,XU Wei-jun and YUAN Cai-yong

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2019, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5) : 1247-1254. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20181219003
Research Articles

Map-based Cloning of Dwarf and Small Grain Mutant dsg7 in Rice

  • WANG Di, WANG Jian, LI Gang, CHENG Bao-shan, XU Wei-jun, YUAN Cai-yong
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Plant height is an important agronomic trait that determines the grain yield of rice, which is one of the most important food crops worldwide. However, the molecular mechanism underlying rice height remained further investigated. In this study, we characterized a rice dwarf and small grain mutant designated dsg7 (dwarf and small grain 7) from Kitaake with seed treated by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). Compared with Kitaake, dsg7 showed 22% and 21% reduction on the plant height and 1000-grain weight. Histological observations showed that the dwarf phenotype was mainly due to a defect in cell proliferation. By deploying the map-based cloning strategy, the gene was finally mapped between markers DM6 and DM8 on chromosome 7, with a physical distance of 237 kb. One base pair deletion of Os07g0616000 was found, and this gene served as the best candidate. Thus, this result suggested that DSG7 might be essential for plant height development in rice and its biological function remained to be investigated in the future.

Key words

dwarf / small grain / map based cloning / rice

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WANG Di,WANG Jian,LI Gang,CHENG Bao-shan,XU Wei-jun and YUAN Cai-yong. Map-based Cloning of Dwarf and Small Grain Mutant dsg7 in Rice. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2019, 20(5): 1247-1254


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Key Project of Huaian City Science and Technology (HAB201719);Dean’s Foundation of Huaian Academy of Agricultural Sciences(HNY201702);Independent Research and Development Project of Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Eco-Agricultural Biotechnology around Hongze Lake(17HZHL009)
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