Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Exotic Potato Germplasm

QIN Jun-hong,ZHANG Ting-ting,MENG Li-li,XU Jian-fei,MENG Mei-lian and JIN Li-ping

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2019, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (3) : 574-582. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180908002
Research Articles

Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Exotic Potato Germplasm

  • QIN Jun-hong1, ZHANG Ting-ting2, MENG Li-li2, XU Jian-fei1, MENG Mei-lian2, JIN Li-ping1
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Potato is considered to be sensitive to drought due to its shallow root system. Currently, only few potato varieties with high drought tolerance were released, because of the narrow genetic base that restricts the breeding for drought tolerance. Employment of exotic potato resource might be alternative strategy to accelerate the breeding for new varieties with high drought resistance. 316 advanced clones and 3 cultivated varieties were evaluated with augmented block design compared to 5 local varieties under drip irrigation and rainfed condition in 2016 and 2017. AMMI and GGE model were used to analyze the effects of genotype (G) and environment (E) on yield and combine with drought index to identify the yield potential and stability of each genotype. Under rainfed condition, the average potato yield was similar but the coefficient variation had large difference between the two years, while under drip irrigation, the two variables showed opposite. Potato yield was affected by G, E and G by E interaction significantly, of which the sum square accounted for 43.39, 39.36 and 17.26% of total sum square. Genotypes C93 and YS902 showed highest drought tolerance in both years followed by genotype C48. Genotypes C93, YS902 and C48 could be as parent for drought breeding. Taken together, the genotypes with drought tolerance might serve as elite parental lines, which become of interest in basic and applied resources.

Key words

potato / drought index / augmented design / GGE model

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QIN Jun-hong,ZHANG Ting-ting,MENG Li-li,XU Jian-fei,MENG Mei-lian and JIN Li-ping. Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Exotic Potato Germplasm. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2019, 20(3): 574-582 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180908002


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National Key R&D Program of China; China Agriculture Research System
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