Screening of main agronomic and quality traits and group division of Japonica rice breeding parents of Heilongjiang Province


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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2018, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4) : 790-806. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20171204003
Research Articles

Screening of main agronomic and quality traits and group division of Japonica rice breeding parents of Heilongjiang Province

  • Bao-haiSLiu
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With 36 Japonica rice varieties which widely planted in Heilongjiang in 2017 as materials, based on 16 agronomic and quality traits, 9 principal component factors, such as active accumulated temperature, yield and gel consistency were determined, the discriminant function was clarified and 36 Japonica rice varieties were classified into four groups by using the principal component analysis, the cluster analysis and the discriminant analysis methods. On this basis, 19 parents were classified, the sequence of parental selection was cleared in the future breeding practice and the order was adjacent groups, one group interval and intergroup. 170 rice varieties certified during the recent 12 years in the Heilongjiang were also classified. All these works could provide directly, conveniently and quantitatively reference on parents selection for breeders and researchers. Breeding accuracy could be improve and blindness could be reduce by these methods. In this study, Japonica rice breeding parents in Heilongjiang were classified initially based on agronomic and quality characters which could provide scientific and effective theoretical reference for selection of parents for Japonica rice breeding and classification of species resource groups incold region.

Key words

Heilongjiang / agronomic trait / quality trait / japonica rice / breeding parents / group / classify

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Bao-haiSLiu. Screening of main agronomic and quality traits and group division of Japonica rice breeding parents of Heilongjiang Province. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2018, 19(4): 790-806


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