Comprehensive Evaluation of Salt Tolerance and Screening for Salt Tolerant Accessions of 63 Foxtail Millet Germplasm

Han Fei,Zhuge Yuping,Lou Yanhong,Wang Hui,Zhang Naidan,He Wei and Chao Ying

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2018, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4) : 685-693. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20171107001
Research Articles

Comprehensive Evaluation of Salt Tolerance and Screening for Salt Tolerant Accessions of 63 Foxtail Millet Germplasm

  • Han Fei,Zhuge Yuping,Lou Yanhong,Wang Hui,Zhang Naidan,He Wei and Chao Ying
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Foxtail millet with strong salt resistance and drought resistance was recognized as an important grain crop in North China. It played vital important role in ensuring the food security in arid and poor areas, especially in the adjustment and optimization of agricultural planting structure in saline and alkaline soil which is an important reserve cultivated land resource in China.In present study, 63 accessions of foxtail millet were employed as experimental material, and were cultivated in total nutrient germination medium that exposed to 1.0% salinity regimes for salt stress identification at germination stage. Deionized water without salinity was used as control, and kept in artificial climate incubator(day/night,30℃/20℃,photoperiod 14h/d) . Correlation analysis and principal component analysis were employed to evaluate the role of eight salt tolerance-related indexes. Membership function analysis and cluster analysis were also evaluated to identify the grade of salt tolerance of foxtail millet germplasm. The results showed that: There is wide variation of salt tolerance in foxtail millet germplasm resources. Under 1% concentration of salt, the germination rate, germination index, root length, germinal length, relative germinal length and relative root length of plant were positively correlated with each other, and the relative salt harm rate has a significant negative correlation with the 6 indexes. According to principal component analysis, germination rate percentage, germination index, relative germinal length and relative root length were used as indexes to evaluate salt tolerance of foxtail millet; 63 millet germplasm are divided into extreme salt tolerant germplasm, salt tolerant germplasm, salt sensitive germplasm, extreme salt sensitive germplasm with cluster analysis. Therefore, Fenghonggu, Jinfen 106, Jingu57, Fente11, Jigu 16 was selected as relative salt tolerant germplasm with comprehensive evaluation of membership function score based on Fuzzy Mathematics.

Key words

foxtail millet / salt stress / principal components analysis / cluster analysis / membership function.

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Han Fei,Zhuge Yuping,Lou Yanhong,Wang Hui,Zhang Naidan,He Wei and Chao Ying. Comprehensive Evaluation of Salt Tolerance and Screening for Salt Tolerant Accessions of 63 Foxtail Millet Germplasm. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2018, 19(4): 685-693


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