

植物遗传资源学报. 2024, 25(1): 30-38

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植物遗传资源学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1) : 30-38. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230510002


  • 高超升1,袁嘉志1,植健怡1,程玉汉2,董利东1,程群1
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Identification and Domestication Analysis of ERF Salt Tolerance Genes in Soybean

  • GAO Chaosheng1, YUAN Jiazhi1, ZHI Jianyi1, CHENG Yuhan2, DONG Lidong1, CHENG Qun1
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土地盐渍化对大豆的产量和品质产生了极大的负面影响,培育耐盐大豆品种是改善和提高盐胁迫下大豆产量和品质的有效途径之一。ERF转录因子对植物响应逆境胁迫十分重要,但在大豆中相关研究报道较少。基于已报道的盐胁迫处理下的RNA-seq数据、549份大豆重测序数据及耐盐指数数据,以及Soybean Expression Atlas数据库中大豆组织表达数据,在大豆中鉴定能够响应盐胁迫的ERF基因。同时,在549份大豆重测序数据中鉴定响应盐胁迫ERF基因的优异等位变异,并分析其驯化与人工选择规律。其中,鉴定出ERF158H1ERF166H2ERF170H1单倍型是优异的自然等位变异,能够显著促进大豆对盐的耐性。对优异等位变异的核苷酸多态性分析表明,ERF170H1在大豆驯化的过程中受到了微弱的人工选择,而ERF158H1ERF166H2在驯化的过程中发生了逐渐减少或丢失的现象。因此,本研究鉴定了大豆中响应盐胁迫的ERF基因及其优异等位变异,对丰富和完善大豆响应盐胁迫的分子机制具有重要意义,为培育耐盐大豆品种提供了重要的基因资源和育种方案。


Soil salinization has a significant negative impact on the yield and quality of soybean. It is one of the effective ways to improve the yield and quality of soybeans under salt stress by breeding salt-tolerant soybean varieties. Plant ERF transcription factors play important roles in responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, whereas there are few relevant studies in soybean. Based on RNA-Seq datasets under salt stress treatment, 549 soybean resequencing data and salt tolerance index data, as well as the soybean tissue expression data in the Soybean Expression Atlas database, the soybean ERF genes responding to salt stress and their elite alleles were identified. Three ERF genes were identified with natural variations, among which ERF158H1ERF166H2 and ERF170H1 haplotypes were elite alleles showing significantly higher salt tolerance. Nucleotide polymorphism analysis of the elite alleles showed that ERF170H1 was detected with weakly artificially selection signals during soybean domestication, while ERF158H1 and ERF166H2 were gradually reduced or lost during domestication process. Therefore, eight ERF genes were identified likely being involved in the response of soybean to salt stress, and three of them were found to have elite alleles that can significantly promote soybean salt tolerance. Our findings provide a great significance to enrich and improve the molecular mechanism of soybean response to salt stress and breeding programs for salt tolerant soybean varieties.


大豆 / 乙烯响应因子 / 耐盐 / 生物信息学 / 人工选择

Key words

soybean / ERF / salt tolerance / bioinformatics / artificial selection


高超升,袁嘉志,植健怡,程玉汉,董利东,程群. 大豆ERF耐盐基因的鉴定和驯化分析. 植物遗传资源学报. 2024, 25(1): 30-38 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230510002
GAO Chaosheng,YUAN Jiazhi,ZHI Jianyi,CHENG Yuhan,DONG Lidong,CHENG Qun. Identification and Domestication Analysis of ERF Salt Tolerance Genes in Soybean. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2024, 25(1): 30-38 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20230510002


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