To illustrate the regulation mechanism of parthenocarpy and the genes controlling this process, as well as provide basic materials in eggplant parthenocarpy breeding, the parthenocarpy/non parthenocarpy near isogenic lines were constructed in this study. Two groups of near isogenic lines (NILs) JDX1 and JDX8 were generated by hybridization, backcross and selfing, in combination with parthenocarpy identification and agronomic traits investigation. 219 pairs of SSR primers covering eggplant genome were used to genotype eggplant NILs and their parents. JDX1 and JDX8 showed 97.14% and 88.23% on the genetic similarity with respective reincarnation parents, respectively. The parthenocarpy identification showed that, in difference with recurrent parents, JDX1 and JDX8 had been completely transformed into non parthenocarpic lines. There were no significant differences in plant height, first flower height, node spacing, leaf length and width, fruit length and thickness between NILs and their recurrent parents. By considering the agronomic characteristics such as fruit color and strain type, JDX1 and JDX8 showed higher similarity/identity with the reincarnation parent. Collectively, the success on creation of eggplant parthenocarpy lines laid a foundation for the basic research of single solidity.
ZHOU Shan-shan,YANG Yang,Tang Xiao-hua,TAO Tao,WANG Yong-qing,ZOU Min and TIAN Shi-bin.
Construction and Genetic Background Analysis of Eggplant Near-isogenic Lines. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2022, 23(5): 1343-1351
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