

植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(6): 1588-1596

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植物遗传资源学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6) : 1588-1596. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190418001


  • 郑云霄, 刘文斯, 赵永锋, 贾晓艳, 祝丽英, 黄亚群, 陈景堂, 郭晋杰
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Evaluation of Lodging Resistance and Selection of Identification Indexes of Maize Germplasm Resources

  • ZHENG Yun-xiao, LIU Wen-si, ZHAO Yong-feng, JIA Xiao-yan, ZHU Li-ying, HUANG Ya-qun, CHEN Jing-tang, GUO Jin-jie
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倒伏是影响玉米高产稳产的主要问题之一。本研究以 181 份玉米自交系为试验材料,对 22 个与抗倒伏性紧密相关的性状进行测定,采用相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析、逐步判别分析和岭回归分析等方法,综合评价玉米自交系的抗倒伏性。相关性分析的结果表明,22 个性状间存在不同程度的相关性。主成分分析的结果表明,前 7 个主成分代表了 181 份玉米自交系的 22 个性状 74.460%的信息,其贡献率分别为 25.700%、12.369%、9.782%、8.159%、7.782%、5.490%和 5.177%。聚类分析的结果表明,当遗传距离为 3.5 时,181 份玉米自交系被聚为 4 大类,第Ⅰ类有 35 份自交系、第Ⅱ类有 47 份自交系、第Ⅲ类有 49 份自交系、第Ⅳ类有 50 份自交系。逐步判别分析的结果表明,175 份玉米自交系被正确判别,判对概率为96.69%;6 份玉米自交系被误判,误判率为3.31%,这说明聚类分析的结果是准确可靠的。进一步利用岭回归方法筛选出半纤维素含量、穿刺强度、第三节间长度、第三节间直径、穗位高和维管束总面积 6 个性状,建立了可靠的玉米自交系抗倒伏性评价回归模型。在 181 份玉米自交系中,以 AHU24、e220、7026B 等 35 份自交系的抗倒伏能力最强。本研究结果为玉米抗倒伏种质资源的遗传改良和组配抗倒伏杂交种提供借鉴。


Lodging is one of the main problems affecting the maize production and extension. In this study, 181 maize inbred lines were used for determining 22 characters associating to lodging resistance. Statistical analysis using the correlation analysis, the principal component analysis, the cluster analysis, the stepwise discriminate analysis and the ridge regression analysis was deployed for data interpretation. The results of the correlation analysis showed that 22 characters existed in varying degrees of correlation. The first seven principal components explained 74.460% of the phenotypic variation with the contribution rates of 25.700%, 12.369%, 9.782%, 8.159%, 7.782%, 5.490% and 5.177%. Four categories were clustered in the 181 maize inbred lines at a genetic distance of 3.5. Among them, the first classⅠhas 35 inbred lines, the classⅡhas 47 inbred lines, the class Ⅲ has 49 inbred lines, the class Ⅳ has 50 inbred lines. The result of stepwise discriminant analysis showed that 175 maize inbred lines were correctly discriminated and the identification rate was 96.69%. Six maize inbred lines were incorrectly discriminated and the identification rate was 3.31%, which means that the result of cluster analysis is accurate and reliable. The hemicellulose content, rind penetrometer strength, third internode length, third internode diameter, ear height and area of total vascular bundles were selected and the regression model of lodging resistance of maize inbred line was established by using the ridge regression method. 35 inbred lines, such as AHU 24, e220 and 7026B, showed the highest lodging resistance. Thus, the results provided a reference of the maize lodging resistant germplasm resources, which become valuable in selection of elite germplasm resources in breeding for the lodging resistance hybrids.



Key words

maize / lodging resistance / principal component analysis / cluster analysis / ridge regression / comprehensive evaluation


郑云霄,刘文斯,赵永锋,贾晓艳,祝丽英,黄亚群,陈景堂,郭晋杰. 玉米种质资源的抗倒伏性评价及鉴定指标筛选. 植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(6): 1588-1596 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190418001
ZHENG Yun-xiao,LIU Wen-si,ZHAO Yong-feng,JIA Xiao-yan,ZHU Li-ying,HUANG Ya-qun,CHEN Jing-tang and GUO Jin-jie. Evaluation of Lodging Resistance and Selection of Identification Indexes of Maize Germplasm Resources. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2019, 20(6): 1588-1596 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190418001


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