

植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(3): 624-633

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植物遗传资源学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (3) : 624-633. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180924002


  • 俞华先, 田春艳, 经艳芬, 安汝东, 郎荣斌, 边芯, 董立华, 周清明, 杨李和, 孙有芳, 桃联安
作者信息 +

Principal Component Clustering Analysis and Evaluation of F2(BC1) Generation from Yunnan Saccharum spontaneum L.Innovation Germplasm

  • YU Hua-xian, TIAN Chun-yan, JING Yan-fen, AN Ru-dong, LANG Rong-bin, Bian Xin, DONG Li-hua, ZHOU Qing-ming, YANG Li-he, SUN You-fang, TAO Lian-an
Author information +
History +




Yunnan Saccharum spontaneum L serves as valuable wild germplasm resource can be used in sugarcane breeding. The quantitative characters of 68 BC1F2 Yunnan Saccharum spontaneum L were investigated using the principal of numerical classification, and the PCA (define) of 10 quantitative characters were analyzed. Scatter plot was drawn based on the first 3 principal components (PC) and clustering analysis was carried out based on the genetic coefficients. The results showed that the coefficient variation of the quantitative characters ranged from 10.57% to 35.30%. The theoretical sugar content and yield in November had a high coefficient of variation over 30%, indicating a high variation potential. Principle component analysis indicated that the first 3 PC accounted for 80.83% of variation among the materials, followed by single stem weight yield factor, brix sugar factor and cluster effective stem sugar yield factor. These 68 innovative materials could be divided into 4 categories at D=10.00. Each group had different characteristics, which could be referred for castor breeding with different purposes. The scatter plot of the former three principal components indicated the coefficients of the first three PCs were higher inYGF211-50, YGF211-56, YGF211-40, YGF211-66, YGF211-77, YGF211-10, YGF211-19, YGF211-85, YGF211-45, YGF211-37, YGF211-25, YGF211-23, YGF211-18, and these accessions could be used in the breeding.


割手密 / 创新种质 / 相关分析 / 主成分分析 / 聚类分析

Key words

Saccharum spontaneum L. / germplasm innovation / correlation analysis / principal component / cluster analysis


俞华先,田春艳,经艳芬,安汝东,郎荣斌,边芯,董立华,周清明,杨李和,孙有芳,桃联安. 云南割手密创新种质F2的主成分聚类分析及其评价. 植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(3): 624-633 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180924002
YU Hua-xian,TIAN Chun-yan,JING Yan-fen,AN Ru-dong,LANG Rong-bin,Bian Xin,DONG Li-hua,ZHOU Qing-ming,YANG Li-he,SUN You-fang and TAO Lian-an. Principal Component Clustering Analysis and Evaluation of F2(BC1) Generation from Yunnan Saccharum spontaneum L.Innovation Germplasm. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2019, 20(3): 624-633 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180924002


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