

植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(2): 267-275

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植物遗传资源学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2) : 267-275. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180815003


  • 耿雷跃,马小定,崔迪,张启星,韩冰,韩龙植
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Identification and Evaluation Method for Saline Tolerance in Rice During the Whole Growth Stage

  • GENG Lei-yue,MA Xiao-ding,CUI Di,ZHANG Qi-xing,HAN Bing and HAN Long-zhi
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全生育期耐盐性是水稻种质各生育阶段耐盐性的综合反应。科学、准确、高效的水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定评价方 法是正确判别水稻种质耐盐真实性的关键所在。本研究挑选19 份不同耐盐性水稻种质作为研究材料,在正常环境与0.2%、 0.3%、0.4%、0.5%、0.6%、0.7%盐处理浓度下,调查11 个农艺性状表型值并计算其耐盐系数,并运用品种间四分位差法分析, 明确水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定最适盐浓度;综合采用主成分分析、隶属函数分析、回归分析、聚类分析等多种多元统计分析 方法,探索了水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定合理评价方法。结果表明,在6 种盐胁迫浓度下各性状的耐盐系数均呈偏态分布,其 中0.3%盐胁迫浓度下多数农艺性状耐盐系数品种间四分位差最大,认为0.3%盐胁迫浓度是水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定最适盐浓 度。主成分分析结果表明,11 个农艺性状的耐盐系数可简化为3 个主成分。利用主成分贡献率和隶属函数分析,进一步将3 个主成分值简化为水稻耐盐性综合评价指标D 值。再利用逐步回归分析,建立了D 值与11 个农艺性状耐盐系数最优线性回归 方程:D=-0.365+0.647PL+0.152PN+0.274TW。从该方程可知穗长、穗粒数和总干物重的耐盐系数是影响D 值得关键指标。利 用回归分析建立的模型,可准确完成对D 值预测。根据D 值对19 份水稻种质进行聚类分析结果表明,可分为5 个类群,正好 对应于水稻耐盐性划分的极强、强、中、弱、极弱5 个等级,验证了以D 值来评价耐盐性的可行性,认为D 值可作为水稻种 质耐盐性评价的重要指标。


Soil salinization serves as one of the important abiotic stresses, which might result in reduction of rice production. Breeding for salinity tolerance of rice is an effective way to prevent yield loss, and a comprehensive and precise evaluation of salt-toleranceduring the whole growth stage therefore becomes of interest. In this study, 19 rice varieties with levels of saline tolerance were tested under different salt concentration conditions, and 11 agronomic-related traits were investigated. Furthermore, the optimum concentration of salt tolerance was determined by using interquartile range method between varieties. The saline with maximum showed that the salt tolerance coefficient of 11 agronomic traits can be reduced to 3 principal components. By using the principal interquartile range between varieties was supposed to be the optimum stress environment. Because under this saline, the rice varieties shown the maximum genetic variation which measure by interquartile range between varieties. A series of comprehensive multivariate statistical analysis method, included principal component analysis, membership function analysis, stepwise regression analysis and cluster analysis, was used to explore the rational evaluation method of salt tolerance of rice during the whole growth stage. The results showed that under 0.3% salinity, between varieties,the salt tolerance coefficient of most traits shown the highest interquartile range. The0.3% salinity was the optimum concentration for identification saline tolerance in rice. The results of principal component analysis component contribution rate and membership function analysis, the three principal component values can be further simplified into the comprehensive evaluation index of rice saline tolerance: D value. D value can be used to evaluate the salt tolerance of rice germplasm simply and accurately. It can realize the comprehensive evaluation of salt tolerance of rice germplasm. In this study, we also used stepwise regression analysis to establish the optimal linear regression equation for the salt tolerance coefficient of 11 agronomic traits and D value: D=-0.365+0.647PL+0.152PN+0.274TW. Through stepwise regression analysis, the saline tolerance coefficient of spike length, spike grain number and total weight was the key indicator of D value. The saline tolerance of 19 rice germplasm can be divided into 5 grades by cluster analysis, corresponding to 5 salt tolerance grades of rice. It can be regarded as an important reference for salt tolerance evaluation of other rice germplasm. This study provides a comprehensive, objective and accurate method for the identification and evaluation of saline tolerance in rice during the whole growth stage, which can be used as an important basis for the identification and evaluation of saline tolerance in rice during the whole growth stage.


水稻 / 全生育期 / 耐盐性 / 鉴定方法 / 综合评价

Key words

rice / whole growth stage / saline tolerance / identification method / comprehensive evaluation


耿雷跃,马小定,崔迪,张启星,韩冰,韩龙植. 水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定评价方法研究. 植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(2): 267-275 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180815003
GENG Lei-yue,MA Xiao-ding,CUI Di,ZHANG Qi-xing,HAN Bing and HAN Long-zhi. Identification and Evaluation Method for Saline Tolerance in Rice During the Whole Growth Stage. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2019, 20(2): 267-275 https://doi.org/10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20180815003


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