Evaluation of a Coprinus comatus Fruit Body for Sub-acute Toxicity in Mice
以小鼠为受试动物评价一株野生毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus)菌株ZMM-3人工栽培子实体的食用安全性,结果在高、 中、低(5000、500、50 mg/kg·d)剂量组实验中小鼠全部健活,体征、体重、行为、外观、脏器系数、血液生理生化指标、脏器结构均无明显异常,表明供试毛头鬼伞子实体对小鼠没有亚急性毒性.
Organ coefficients (lung, kidney, heart, spleen, liver), hematological criteria and various biochemical parameters were monitored in mice administered 50, 500 and 5000 mg/kg·d of a powdered Coprinus comatus fruit body (designated ZMM-3) collected from the wild.No abnormal physical signs,changes in behavior, body weight, organ coefficients, and hematological and biochemical parameters were observed, indicating the absence of any obvious sub-acute toxicity.
Coprinus comatus
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