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  • Yunlong Zhao, Liwang Zeng, Haihui Zhou, Chimo Xu, Hailiang Li
    Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific Research. 2022, 0(4): 19-23.

    In view of the archives management of most scientific research institutes in China, it can be found that more and more scientific research institutes gradually integrate information content in archives management, whether in information storage or information services, and they are moving towards digital trends. However, compared with the development, the original local digital storage system and paper-based data storage methods can no longer meet the current scientific research institutes digital file management requirements, because fixed file storage and services will limit the amount of archives stored and the scope of archival services. The cloud service of digital archives is more in line with the actual needs of scientific research institutes, because the cloud services of digital archives not only expand the storage space of archive information, but also increase the ability of information sharing, and thus improve the scope of application of archival information and application efficiency. As things can be said, however, this cloud service is running for a short period of time, so it still has some shortcomings. This paper carried out specific research on this situation, that was, the application status of digital archives cloud services in scientific research institutes analysis, so as to find the shortcomings in its application process, and finally put forward corresponding improvement measures to improve the efficiency of cloud services, and enhance the efficiency of digital archives management of scientific research institutes.

  • Yougan Zhu, Chengzhi Niu, Zizhuo Jia
    Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific Research. 2022, 0(4): 14-18.

    The effectiveness of the river chief system depends on the definition of the responsibilities and performance evaluation of river chiefs. However, in the present, the dual-track system in which the river chiefs are concurrently appointed by leaders at all levels in China can easily cause river chiefs to be busy with various types of government affairs and unable to focus on the "main business". At the same time, there are many cross-regional rivers in China, and different river basins of the same river have different river chiefs. Therefore, the responsibilities of river chiefs need to be clarified, and the indicators for performance evaluation need to be improved urgently. This paper took this view as a breakthrough point to discuss the performance evaluation method of river chiefs from the perspective of position governance, in the hope to provide reference for comprehensively promote the river chief system.

  • Yanpei Li, Zhendong An
    Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific Research. 2022, 0(3): 1-3.

    This article summarized the content of government comprehensive financial report preparation of agricultural scientific research institutes and cleared up the actual problems in the preparation of government comprehensive financial report. And in combination with the actual situation of agricultural scientific research institutes and the relevant requirements for the preparation of the government comprehensive financial report in the three documents revised and issued in 2019, it put forward the methods and strategies for the preparation of the government's comprehensive financial report.

  • Hui Yu, Lingke Ma
    Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific Research. 2022, 0(3): 20-25.

    The Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center is an important part of the national agricultural strategic science and technology force, bearing the important mission of new knowledge, new technologies, new products and new industries in the agricultural field. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, under the background of efficiently serving regional economic development and overall rural revitalization, the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center is of great significance in optimizing resource allocation, regional collaborative innovation and technical service industry development. This paper analyzed the connotation of the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center, and combed the development experience of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center at home and abroad. Then suggestions are put forward from four aspects, positioning for the main body, deepen the innovation mechanism, fitting construction operation, promoting the sustainable development capacity, so as to support the development of the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center with high quality.