
李鹏程, 杨海镇

现代农业. 2024, 49(3): 98-104

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现代农业 ›› 2024, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3) : 98-104.


  • 李鹏程1, 杨海镇1,2*
作者信息 +

Research on the Value Accounting of Grassland Ecological Products in Alpine Regions——Taking Tianjun County as an Example

  • LI Pengcheng1, YANG Haizhen1,2*
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Grassland, known as the “skin of the earth”, is the largest ecological protection barrier on land, which provides a lot of ecological product value. This study took Tianjun County, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in the alpine region of Qinghai Province as an example, constructed a differentiated ecological product value accounting system based on the characteristics of rich grassland resource endowment. From three aspects of material supply, regulation service and cultural service, this paper used the water balance method and soil loss equation to calculate the value of grassland ecological products in Tianjun County, and proposed the value transformation path of grassland ecological products. The results showed that the realization of the grassland ecological products value in Tianjun County mainly relied on ecological protection and ecological compensation. The total value of ecological products of grassland ecosystem in Tianjun County was around 15.206 billion yuan, of which the value of material supply was around 360 million yuan, accounting for around 2.37% of the total value, the value of regulation services was around 14.422 billion yuan, accounting for around 94.84% of the total value. Among the regulation service value, the value of local climate regulation> water conservation> carbon sequestration and oxygen release> soil conservation value. The value of cultural services was around 424 million yuan, accounting for around 2.79% of the total value. The value of grassland ecological product regulation service was the largest, which was in line with the provincial positioning of “three largest” and the characteristics of resource endowment in alpine region of Qinghai Province. By exploring the value accounting of grassland ecological products, this paper is helpful for the government to formulate ecological compensation policies, promote the rational utilization and sustainable development of resources, and provide references for the protection and high-quality development of grassland resources.


草地生态产品价值 / 核算体系 / 核算方法 / 天峻县 / 高寒地区

Key words

value of grassland ecological products / accounting system / accounting method / Tianjun County / alpine region


李鹏程, 杨海镇. 高寒地区草地生态产品价值核算研究——以天峻县为例. 现代农业. 2024, 49(3): 98-104
LI Pengcheng, YANG Haizhen. Research on the Value Accounting of Grassland Ecological Products in Alpine Regions——Taking Tianjun County as an Example. Modern Agriculture. 2024, 49(3): 98-104


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青海省国际合作项目“高寒生态脆弱区自然生态空间用途管制研究——以天峻县为例”(2019-HZ-802); 青海民族大学人文社会科学研究规划项目“天峻县生态产品价值实现路径化研究”(24GH06)
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