
李文斌, 曾丽, 余洪波, 李连英

现代农业. 2024, 49(3): 67-75

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现代农业 ›› 2024, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3) : 67-75.


  • 李文斌1, 曾丽1, 余洪波1, 李连英1,2*
作者信息 +

Research on the Influence of Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase on Fresh Food E-commerce Platform under the New Retail Model——Mediation Effect Based on Perceived Value

  • LI Wenbin1, ZENG Li1, YU Hongbo1, LI Lianying1,2*
Author information +
History +




Based on unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2(UTAUT2)and perceived value-based adoption model(VAM)theories, this study analyzed 535 research data to empirically test the influencing factors of consumers’ willingness to purchase on fresh food e-commerce platforms under the new retail model. The results showed that hedonic motivation is a crucial factor influencing consumers’ willingness to purchase, followed by perceived value, effort expectation, and social influence. Hedonic motivation, effort expectation and facilitating condition had significant positive effects on consumers’ perceived value, and the effects decreased in order. At the same time, perceived value played a mediating role in hedonic motivation, effort expectation and facilitating condition on consumers’ willingness to purchase. Hedonic motivation and effort expectation had effects on consumers’ performance expectation, but the effect of performance expectation on consumers’ perceived value was not significant. Accordingly, fresh food e-commerce platforms should improve the ability of refined operation, create all-weather consumption experience, improve the efficiency of platform function, focus on word-of-mouth marketing, improve the traceability mechanism, improve the perceived value of consumption, and then increase the willingness of consumers to purchase.


新零售 / 生鲜电商平台 / 消费者购买意愿 / 感知价值 / 结构方程模型

Key words

new retail / fresh food e-commerce platform / consumer / willingness to purchase / perceived value / structural equation model


李文斌, 曾丽, 余洪波, 李连英. 新零售模式下生鲜电商平台消费者购买意愿影响研究——基于感知价值的中介作用. 现代农业. 2024, 49(3): 67-75
LI Wenbin, ZENG Li, YU Hongbo, LI Lianying. Research on the Influence of Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase on Fresh Food E-commerce Platform under the New Retail Model——Mediation Effect Based on Perceived Value. Modern Agriculture. 2024, 49(3): 67-75


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国家自然科学基金项目“蔬菜种植大户智慧种植意愿与行为:转化机制、溢出效应及政策设计”(72263016); 国家自然科学基金项目“蔬菜种植大户物联网技术采纳行为、扩散效应及引导政策”(71863018); 江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目“江西特色乡村聚落空间分异规律及关联发展的路径研究”(JC20124); 江西省研究生创新专项资金项目(YC2023-S399)
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