The key development and opening up pilot zone is an important “test field” for building a new system of open economy at a higher level in China’s border areas, and is of great significance for promoting the high-quality trade development in China’s border areas. This study took the construction of key development and opening up pilot zones as the natural experiment,used the DID model to test the influence of key development and opening up pilot zone policies on high-quality trade development in border areas. The study found that the construction of key development and opening up pilot zones can significantly promote the high-quality development of trade in the border areas. This conclusion was still valid after parallel trend test,placebo test and counterfactual test. The conclusion of this study provides useful enlightenment for further expanding the scope of key development and opening up pilot zones,promoting the high-quality development of trade in border areas, and promoting the construction of a new pattern of all-round,multi-level and wide-field opening-up in China.
重点开发开放试验区 /
贸易高质量发展 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
key development and opening up pilot zone /
high-quality trade development /
DID model
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