China Cotton-Current Issue Current Issue EN-US 5 <![CDATA[Brief analysis of the policy environment of China’s cotton industry in the New Era Decade]]> <![CDATA[Effect of storage time on cotton quality indexes]]> <![CDATA[Effects of cultivar introduction between different ecological regions on boll weight, lint percentage and fiber quality of cotton]]> <![CDATA[Application effects of different chemical topping agents on long staple cotton]]> *, Tu’erxun Tu’erhong]]> <![CDATA[Breeding and cultivation techniques of a cotton variety, Jinken 1775]]> <![CDATA[Breeding and cultivation techniques of an extra-early-maturing, disease-resistant cotton variety, Liaomian 54]]> <![CDATA[Improvement effects of organic fertilizer on cotton planting in saline-alkali land]]> <![CDATA[Development history, current situation and suggestions to cotton seed industry in Binzhou City, Shandong Province]]>