
石越, 张玲赫, 努尔买买提, 李文文

食用菌学报. 2023, 30(04): 59-66

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食用菌学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (04) : 59-66. DOI: 10.16488/j.cnki.1005-9873.2023.04.007


  • 石越, 张玲赫, 努尔买买提*, 李文文
作者信息 +

Isolation, Purification, Structural Characterization and In Vitro Hypoglycemic Activity of Hohenbuehelia serotina Polysaccharide

  • SHI Yue, ZHANG Linghe, NUER Maimaiti*, LI Wenwen
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History +


采用水提醇沉法提取元蘑(Hohenbuehelia serotina)粗多糖,计算其提取率、测定其总糖和蛋白含量。用葡聚糖凝胶柱层析法分离纯化得到均一多糖(HSP),采用高效液相色谱法分析 HSP 的相对分子质量,离子色谱法分析 HSP 单糖组成,傅里叶红外光谱法分析 HSP 的官能团,并测定其降血糖活性。结果表明:元蘑粗多糖提取率为(11.83 ± 0.08)%,总糖含量为(38.27 ± 0.66)%,蛋白含量为(1.84 ± 0.02)%。HSP 的总糖含量为(87.69 ± 1.34)%,蛋白含量为(0.97 ± 0.11)%,相对分子质量为 7.78×106。HSP 是一种杂多糖,其单糖由葡萄糖、半乳糖、 木糖、 阿拉伯糖、半乳糖醛酸、岩藻糖、鼠李糖、葡萄糖醛酸组成,摩尔比为34.99 : 5.68 : 4.85: 2.31 : 1.19 : 1 : 0.16 : 0.13。HSP 中存在糖醛酸、吡喃糖环的官能团。此外,3.0 mg·mL-1的 HSP 对α-淀粉酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制率分别为 60.45%、55.33%,表明 HSP 具有较强的体外降血糖活性。


Crude polysaccharide of Hohenbuehelia serotina was obtained by water extraction and alcohol precipitation, and then a polysaccharide fraction named HSP was purified from the crude polysaccharide extract by dextran gel column chromatography. The crude polysaccharide was determined for extraction rate, total sugar content and protein content. HSP was measured for its total sugar and protein contents, determined for relative molecular weight by HPLC, analyzed for monosaccharide composition by ion chromatography, and analyzed for functional groups by Fourier infrared spectroscopy. HSP was also studied for its hypoglycemic activity. The results showed that the extraction rate, total sugar content, and protein content of the crude polysaccharide were (11.83±0.08)%, (38.27±0.66)%, and (1.84±0.02)%, respectively. The total sugar and protein in HSP were (87.69±1.34)% and (0.97±0.11)%, respectively. The relative molecular weight of HSP was found to be 7.78×106. HSP is a heteropolysaccharide, comprising glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, galacturonic acid, fucose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid in the molar ratio of 34.99 : 5.68 : 4.85 : 2.31 : 1.19 : 1 : 0.16 : 0.13. There are uronic acid and pyranose ring functional groups in HSP. In addition, the inhibitory activities of 3.0 mg·mL-1 HSP on α-amylase and α-glucosidase were 60.45% and 55.33%, respectively, indicating that HSP had good hypoglycemic activity in vitro.


多糖提取 / 高效液相色谱法 / 离子色谱法 / 红外光谱法 / 降血糖

Key words

Polysaccharide extraction / high performance liquid chromatography / ion chromatography / infrared spectrometry / hypoglycemic


石越, 张玲赫, 努尔买买提, 李文文. 元蘑多糖分离纯化和结构表征及体外降血糖活性. 食用菌学报. 2023, 30(04): 59-66 https://doi.org/10.16488/j.cnki.1005-9873.2023.04.007
SHI Yue, ZHANG Linghe, NUER Maimaiti, LI Wenwen. Isolation, Purification, Structural Characterization and In Vitro Hypoglycemic Activity of Hohenbuehelia serotina Polysaccharide. Acta Edulis Fungi. 2023, 30(04): 59-66 https://doi.org/10.16488/j.cnki.1005-9873.2023.04.007


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