Management for Economy in Agricultural Scientific Research-Current Issue Current Issue EN-US 5 <![CDATA[STUDY ON MEASURES TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN THE MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH FUNDS IN NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTES]]> Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, through a series of policy documents and reform measures to optimize the management of scientific research funds, such as reforming and improving the management of scientific research funds of the central government and supporting the reform and development of scientific research institutes, our country had continued to increase scientific and technological investment, significantly increased project support, vigorously improved the conditions of scientific and technological hardware, effectively supported scientific and technological breakthroughs, and made solid progress in promoting the construction of a scientific and technological power in China. With the deepening of the reform of the science and technology system, at this stage, what is more needed for scientific research institutes is to thoroughly implement relevant policies, make efforts in optimizing the expenditure structure of science and technology funds, improving the scientific research evaluation incentive mechanism and other aspects related to "production relations", better improve the efficiency of the use of science and research funds, stimulate the creativity and innovation of scientific research institutes and researchers, so as to further enhance the "primary productivity" of science and technology. In this study, with the national science institutes as the focus, we talked about how to implement the central policy, perform the scientific research management responsibilities, further strengthen the management of scientific research funds, and promote the vigorous development of scientific research and development forces in the stage of deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system.

<![CDATA[PATH OPTIMIZATION OF INFORMATION CONSTRUCTION IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH INSTITUTES]]> With the deepening of rural revitalization strategy and the rapid development of digital economy, it is of great practical significance for agricultural research institutes to promote information construction. Based on the concrete practice of the Analysis and Testing Center of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,and aiming at the present situation and existing problems of informatization construction, this paper explored the optimization path from the aspects of perfecting the information infrastructure construction, strengthened the top-level design of information system, and cultivated information management talents, so as to improve the management efficiency of agricultural research institutes.

<![CDATA[RESEARCH ON LOGIC MOTIVATION AND PROMOTION MECHANISM OF SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE AND ENTERPRISE IN AGRICULTURAL SEED INDUSTRY]]> The cooperation pattern of seed enterprise and scientific-research institutes has a great significance is of great significance for improving the innovation ability and core competitiveness of the whole seed industry chain. On the basis of sorting out the evolution of Industry-University-Research policy, and from the transaction cost theory and big market theory, this research analyzed the logical motivation of the cooperation between seed enterprise and scientific-research institutes, compared the cooperation management modes of seed enterprise and scientific-research institutes in developed countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea, and constructed an innovation platform and implementation path under the background of the cooperation, then designed the promotion mechanism from the aspects of cooperation and joint construction, talent sharing, guarantee of project operation, incentive evaluation, intellectual property protection and distribution. With all that in mind, this study attempted to explore its path selection to find ways to solve the problems faced by the seed industry, build an ecosystem of collaborative innovation of seed industry, science and enterprises, and promote multi-element collaborative innovation.

<![CDATA[STUDY ON THE OPTIMIZATION OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL METHOD OF RIVER CHIEF SYSTEM IN CHINA]]> The effectiveness of the river chief system depends on the definition of the responsibilities and performance evaluation of river chiefs. However, in the present, the dual-track system in which the river chiefs are concurrently appointed by leaders at all levels in China can easily cause river chiefs to be busy with various types of government affairs and unable to focus on the "main business". At the same time, there are many cross-regional rivers in China, and different river basins of the same river have different river chiefs. Therefore, the responsibilities of river chiefs need to be clarified, and the indicators for performance evaluation need to be improved urgently. This paper took this view as a breakthrough point to discuss the performance evaluation method of river chiefs from the perspective of position governance, in the hope to provide reference for comprehensively promote the river chief system.

<![CDATA[ANALYSIS OF CLOUD SERVICE APPLICATION IN DIGITAL ARCHIVES OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES]]> In view of the archives management of most scientific research institutes in China, it can be found that more and more scientific research institutes gradually integrate information content in archives management, whether in information storage or information services, and they are moving towards digital trends. However, compared with the development, the original local digital storage system and paper-based data storage methods can no longer meet the current scientific research institutes digital file management requirements, because fixed file storage and services will limit the amount of archives stored and the scope of archival services. The cloud service of digital archives is more in line with the actual needs of scientific research institutes, because the cloud services of digital archives not only expand the storage space of archive information, but also increase the ability of information sharing, and thus improve the scope of application of archival information and application efficiency. As things can be said, however, this cloud service is running for a short period of time, so it still has some shortcomings. This paper carried out specific research on this situation, that was, the application status of digital archives cloud services in scientific research institutes analysis, so as to find the shortcomings in its application process, and finally put forward corresponding improvement measures to improve the efficiency of cloud services, and enhance the efficiency of digital archives management of scientific research institutes.

<![CDATA[STUDY ON HOW TO CONSTRUCT THE SUPERVISION SYSTEM IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES UNDER THE SUPERVISORY MECHANISM IN CPC]]> The paper reviewed the basic connotation of the supervisory mechanism in Communist Party of China (CPC), made an analysis on characteristics of agricultural research institutes. Focusing on issues such as insufficient internal supervision system, scientific supervision effort, and effectiveness, it puts forward new ideas and new measures for constructing a specific supervision system for agricultural scientific research, so as to support agricultural technological innovation.

<![CDATA[ANALYSIS OF RURAL GOVERNANCE MODEL IN BEIJING]]> In recent years, Beijing has continuously increased its governance efforts and is committed to promoting the integration of urban and rural areas, and the fundamental purpose is to enhance the happiness of villagers. In the process of practice, four models of rural governance have emerged: government governance model, villager autonomy model, market governance model, and pluralistic co-governance model, each with advantages and disadvantages. Through the analysis of typical cases of rural governance in plains, mountainous areas and suburbs, the governance experience of adhering to the leadership of party building, villagers' autonomy as the main body, and internet technology empowerment was summarized, which could provide reference for further improving rural governance in Beijing.

<![CDATA[RISK POINTS AND RISK CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR SPECIAL MANAGEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES]]> Accurate identification of risk points and timely and effective risk control have always been the key and difficult points in the management of special fund projects of scientific research institutes. With the rapid development of China's economy, our country pay more and more special funds to scientific institutes to improve scientific research conditions, and at the same time, the risks in the whole process of project implementation are greatly increasing, and the difficulty of risk prevention and control also are increasing accordingly. This study specifically aimed at the special fund project of scientific research institutes to improve the scientific research conditions, followed management process of the special fund project, and identified and analyzed problems existing in project establishment management, design management, bidding management, contract performance management and acceptance management, then it put forward countermeasures in order to ensure project operation safety,effectively improve efficiency of funds use and provide useful reference for achieving project construction with high quality.

<![CDATA[COUNTERMEASURES FOR PROMOTING THE INTEGRATION OF PARTY BUILDING AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH BUSINESS IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES]]> Agricultural scientific research institutes are important scientific and technological support for implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and strengthening the Party (the Communist Party of China) building is an important guarantee for enhancing the centripetal force and cohesion of agricultural scientific research institutes. Aiming at the problem of "two sides" between Party building and scientific research, this paper analyzed its causes, and discussed how to strengthen Party building with "goal orientation, governance orientation and talent orientation" as the breakthrough point, so as to realize the goal of promoting and integrating Party building and scientific research.

<![CDATA[STUDY ON OPTIMIZATION OF BUDGET PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF INTERNAL CONTROL]]> The long-term and stable development of agricultural scientific research institutes cannot be separated from the effective development of budget performance management. As an important business field of internal control construction, budget performance management and internal control objectives are consistent and complementary. From internal control perspective, this paper expounded the relationship between internal control and budget performance management, analyzed the budget problems existing in the process of performance management of the agricultural scientific research institutes, and put forward a series of measures from the perspective of internal control of agricultural scientific research institutes, so as to further optimize budget performance management, and improve internal management level.
